Netflix has emerged as the undisputed leader in streaming. From its humble beginnings in licensing to its grand evolution into original productions, Netflix has continually elevated the anime experience for fans worldwide. In a recent report released by Netflix, the staggering statistics of anime viewership in 2023 were revealed, painting a vivid picture of the medium’s immense popularity on the platform.
During the latter half of 2023 alone, Netflix users indulged in an astounding 3.5 billion hours of anime content, marking a significant increase from the previous half-year.
Over 6 Billion Hours of Anime Streamed in 2023 on Netflix

The momentum carried through the entirety of 2023, with over 6 billion hours of anime watched by Netflix subscribers throughout the year. This unprecedented surge in viewership underscores the global appeal and accessibility of anime, a phenomenon that Netflix has been instrumental in fostering since its heavy investment in the industry began in 2018.
Delving deeper into the data, Miles Thomas dissected Netflix’s report for Anime News Network, providing valuable insights into the platform’s anime. The accompanying chart illustrates the peaks of anime consumption on Netflix, showcasing the medium’s undeniable sway over audiences worldwide.

With 2024 well underway, the anticipation for even more entertaining anime releases on Netflix continues to build. Hits like “Delicious in Dungeon” are just a taste of the rich and diverse offerings that are sure to keep anime enthusiasts glued to their screens.
As we journey further into 2024, the trajectory of anime on Netflix appears bound for even greater heights. With an ever-expanding library and a growing global fanbase, the future of anime streaming has never looked more promising, thanks to Netflix’s unwavering commitment to the medium.