Natalia Grace has recently started a GoFundMe challenge as an attempt to raise money for her new housing and medical procedures.
Natalia was born with a rare form of dwarfism and she is hoping to buy her own home following the dramatic end of the ID docuseries The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks. In the GoFundMe page she wrote that she has recently moved out of her previous place and is saving money so that she can get her own house.
She adds that she wants to have a personal place of growth and would like to start her own photography business.

As an adult she would like to have a fresh start in life and get past of everything that has happened in her life till now. Natalia also discussed her ailment, diastrophic dysplasia, which she believes may necessitate several surgery.
She is an orphan who was adopted by a couple in 2010 and later was adopted by another couple in 2023. But she could not stay with them for long. She expects to need surgery on her legs and spine, which she alleges will cost more than $500,000 and that her doctor does not take her medical insurance.
Natalia set a target of $20,000 and has raised about $1,500 in less than a day. She also linked to the fundraiser on her new TikTok profile in which she more than twelve thousand followers.
Natalia’s story is stranger than fiction
Natalia was an Ukrainian orphan who was suffering from dwarfism. She first made headlines when her former adoptive parents Michael and Kristine Barnett was charged of neglecting a dependent person.
The allegations came after a five-year inquiry found that the Indiana couple, who adopted Natalia as a 6-year-old in 2010, put her into an apartment in July 2013 before moving to Canada with their three other children.
Following the allegations, the Barnetts told their version of the tale, alleging that Natalia was an adult posing as a child. In 2012, Natalia’s birth year was legally changed from 2003 to 1989, making her 22 years old. However, the Barnetts believed she could have been as old as 33.
Barnetts called her a sociopath and said that she was determined to harm their family. During her two years with the Barnetts, the couple claimed she attempted to poison Kristine’s coffee, dragged her towards an electric fence, and placed clear thumbtacks face-up on the stairs for them to trip on.
Michael detailed more about the threat he and his former wife who divorced in 2014 has faced from their adopted child. In The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks , they provided more information about Natalia’s character and behavior.
They said that she has threatened them that she will stab her sons and bury them underneath the deck. Michael added that if they had stayed with her for more years she would have killed somebody from their family.

Natalia has consistently denied all of the Barnett’s accusation in the documentary The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: Natalia Speaks. Behind every lie there will be hidden truth she said in the documentary. She also mentions that they are not going to get way with it.
What happened to Natalia after Michael and family left her?
After, Michael and Kristine Barnett left her and went to settle in Canada , she was living with another Indiana couple, Cynthia and Antwon Mans and with their children. In 2013, Nathalia met Cynthia and invited her to move in with them just few days after their first meeting.
In 2016, the Mans applied to be Natalia’s legal guardians. However, a hearing was required to decide whether Natalia was a minor or a legal adult. The Mans dropped their guardianship suit after a judge said Natalia was legally an adult. However, Natalia has remained to live with the family.
Cynthia and Antwon have supported Natalia throughout her legal battle with the Barnetts and the resulting public attention. In 2019, the pair appeared with Natalia on Dr. Phil, confirming that she was a youngster and had never acted violently towards anyone in their family.
In 2022, Cynthia testified on Natalia’s behalf at Michael Barnett’s trial. Natalia Grace was adopted by the Mans in 2023, but in the last episode of the documentary there was a shocking twist to Natalia’s story.
The show revealed before the documentary was about to end its production , they got a disturbing phone call from Antwon Mans. He mentioned that something was not right about Natalia and the girl is tweaking. He said that she is the enemy of his house.
He also mentions that she ahs said that she was kept hostage by them. The show revealed that two weeks ago, the producers of a show received a troubling phone call from Antwon Mans. He said that she had previously done similar things but tis seems to be far more.
However, Natalia has denied all the allegations and is not with Mans family now. Natalia is now planning to get a life for herself by starting a business through fundraising.