My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime and manga series, known for its thrilling battles, emotional moments, and a large cast of characters. Set in a world where most people have superpowers called Quirks, the story follows Izuku Midoriya, a determined young hero who dreams of becoming the greatest hero despite being born Quirkless. However, as the series progresses, fans and critics have pointed out a recurring issue: the lack of meaningful character development for many key figures.
One of the main criticisms of My Hero Academia is that some characters remain stagnant despite facing major events and challenges. Midoriya has certainly grown stronger and more confident since the beginning of the series, but other main characters seem stuck in their initial roles without significant growth.
Stuck in the Same Place
Take Katsuki Bakugo as an example. He started as an aggressive and arrogant rival to Midoriya. While he has softened slightly and become more cooperative, his personality and approach to problems remain largely the same. His development feels incomplete, leaving many fans wanting a deeper exploration of his potential growth.
Similarly, Shoto Todoroki, initially portrayed as a complex character burdened by his troubled relationship with his father, hasn’t had much personal evolution since overcoming those early struggles. Despite being incredibly powerful, Shoto’s emotional journey seems to have stalled, making his presence feel less impactful.
Another problem lies in how the series handles its large cast of characters. Many of the students in Class 1-A, such as Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro, and Mashirao Ojiro, have barely had any significant moments or development despite being present throughout the story. They often fade into the background during major arcs, serving only as support for the main heroes without having their own meaningful arcs.
This lack of focus on side characters creates a sense of imbalance in the storytelling. With so many interesting personalities and abilities, fans are disappointed that these characters don’t get the spotlight they deserve.
Side Characters Forgotten
The series has had several opportunities to evolve its characters, especially during key arcs like the Paranormal Liberation War and the Final War. These intense battles were perfect moments for growth and reflection, but many characters simply returned to their usual roles after the conflict ended.
Villains like Himiko Toga and Dabi also had the potential for deeper stories, but their arcs often felt rushed or incomplete, leaving viewers wondering what could have been if more time had been dedicated to their development.
While My Hero Academia remains a thrilling and action-packed series, its failure to evolve its characters limits its full potential. Strong character development is essential for keeping fans invested and connected to the story. The personal growth of both main and side characters, the series could achieve a much more satisfying and impactful narrative. Fans can only hope that future chapters will address these issues and bring meaningful change to the world of heroes.