This listicle provides you with the most popular Saiki K characters! You might already have a favorite, or you might just find the one that you can most relate to, keep reading to find out. However, everyone would easily admit that the characters in Saiki K are simply the most hilarious.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, which debuted in 2016, is a comedy anime based on Shichi Aso’s popular manga series “Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan.” It follows Kusuo Saiki, the protagonist, as he tries to hide his psychic abilities from his “friends” at PK academy. The anime is a slice of life that revolves around Kusuo and his friends’ day-to-day shenanigans. The show is well-rounded, with characters that are over the top yet relatable. It is a must-watch if you want to have a good laugh and want to consume an easy watch with equal parts ridiculousness and comedy.
1. Kusuo Saiki
Yes, it is inevitable that the main protagonist ends up on the list of the most popular characters. However, Saiki is very loved both in the fandom and outside it as well. He is a legend with his neon pink hair, two light pink head accessories, and green glasses. He is also often considered the most powerful anime character, either ironically or unironically; that’s for you to decide. The most absurd aspects of the entire series are his narration and fascinating monologues. What makes this show so unique is his description and judgment of occurrences in his day-to-day life. Since he can do basically anything with his powers, he does not wish for anything material, well, mostly, because this guy will do anything for coffee jelly.

2. Kaidou Shun
Kaidou Shun is what you can call a “chuunibyou,” which refers to a “syndrome” that young teenagers face, in which they have grandiose fantasies, wanting to be noticed, and convince themselves that they have a different side to themselves or have secret abilities. Shun has another alias called Jet-Black Wings. He believes that an Evil Organization known as The Dark Reunion is in charge of the world and its events. He is an oddball in his class who enjoys bravado, but he is prone to cowardice in risky situations. When it comes down to it, he will put himself in danger for those he loves. Kaidou is a very lovable character because of his naivety and good-natured intentions. He can easily be someone’s favorite character.

3. Nendou Riki
You can recognize Nendou with his iconic butt-chin and blonde mohawk anywhere. He is very easily adored by many fans of the show. The scar on Riki’s left eye and his seeming lack of intelligence are his defining characteristics. He is sometimes misunderstood as a dangerous character due to his appearance. He can easily defeat Hairo in all physical activities and sports. Therefore he can be regarded as a very strong young man. For Saiki Kusuo, he is the only person whose thoughts he cannot read.
As a result, he is usually an idiot with lousy manners who need things to be repeated to him numerous times before he understands them. Despite his appearance and behavior, Riki is a good man, as Kusuo acknowledges and overall a softie and loves all things any normal teenager boy would love.

4. Kuboyasu Aren
This character is fascinating in and of himself. Back in the day, he was a delinquent. He is, however, a very different guy now. At the very least, he is attempting to be a new person. In any case, he is anxious about his past when he returns to his life and enrolls in school with Saiki and others. As a result, he makes the decision to improve himself and become a better person. However, because his origins are still in bullying and delinquency, he loses his calm and acts like them on occasion. However, he is a good guy who wants the best for his family, and it’s because of this that he’s so remarkable that he can easily make it into a list of the most popular Saiki K characters. Kuboyasu also makes great friends with Shun, and their bond is truly what compels people to watch the show.

5. Kineshi Hairo
Hairo is the always enthusiastic, righteous character that you can find in many anime shows. He is always energetic, always excited, always giving it his all, and always going forward, and those are some of the most valuable qualities we should cultivate in this generation. Hairo Kineshi is awe-inspiring to varying degrees, and it is his upbeat personality that makes him so popular with the show’s viewers. He’s also the class representative, which explains why he gets so much attention.
Kineshi is characterized by three traits: he is hot-blooded and energetic, he is obsessed with tennis, and his pants are continually slipping down. He is an extremely trustworthy person who is always looking out for others or attempting to do the right thing. He gets a little too worked up at times, but he’s still polite to everyone, including Kusuo’s small group of misfit buddies. He enjoys all sports, especially those geared toward children, such as dodge ball.

6. Teruhashi Kokomi
Teruhashi is one of the series’ main protagonists. She is a student in Saiki Kusuo’s class, and both women and men find her exceedingly attractive, stopping to gaze when they see her. She is a girl with remarkably excellent looks, which she freely confesses, clarifying that she is not boasting but merely expressing the facts. Since she is used to being flirted on and receiving intense reactions, Kokomi was perplexed as to why Saiki was not startled or star-struck by her attractiveness. With this rationale, as well as her stubbornness and pride, she began to follow Kusuo until she completely fell in love with him.
By the end of the series, she has major character development, and she genuinely cares about her friends and the people she is around instead of just thinking of them as inferior. It is actually nice to see a female character in anime that knows her worth and is proud of who she is.

7. Mikoto Aiura
Aiura is an oracle, which means that she is a medium who can see prophecies, and that is one of the many qualities she has. She is another of Kusuo’s love interests, and she is frequently at odds with Reita. Along with Reita and Touma, Mikoto is one of the few non-family persons that is aware of Kusuo’s abilities. You can immediately identify her as a gyaru, with her unruly blonde hair, painted nails, and tanned skin.
Mikoto, like Reita, is upfront about her psychic abilities and has become popular in her class as a result of them. She has an ill-informed sense of fairness and wishes to use her abilities for good and to aid others, which she claims distinguishes her from Kusuo. In contrast to Kusuo, who is more subtle and deliberate in his activities, she will utilize her skills to help anyone who asks her right away and publicly. With her good-natured intentions and fun personality, she can be anyone’s favorite easily.

8. Toritsuka Reita
Reita is a spiritual medium which is often seen requesting spirits to do sneaky things. Reita is a deviant who will go to any length to seduce females. He sexualizes the feminine body excessively and stalks the girls he likes. He, like Kusuo, was born with enigmatic abilities. Those skills include the ability to see, communicate with, and be possessed by ghosts, as well as, more lately, demonic possession. Reita abuses his abilities in self-serving ways, such as commanding spirits to do his bidding, such as inspecting the color of a girl’s undergarments. He also enjoys the attention he received after demonstrating his abilities on his first day at PK Academy. Reita might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but at least he is shown to be very loyal and helpful during a pinch which is why he has made into one of the most popular Saiki K characters.

9. Saiki Kusuke
Kusuke is Kusuo’s older brother, who is a scientist and extremely intelligent and kind of borderline psychopathic. Since his little brother’s birth, Kusuke wears a telepathy blocker so that Kusuo isn’t able to breach his thoughts. When it comes to Kusuo, Kusuke is conceited and competitive. When they were kids, he would have done anything to beat him. He would, however, always lose to his younger brother. As a result, he became addicted to fighting/playing with Kusuo.
He’s also deceptive, always smiling angelically at their parents. He, like Kusuo, ignores his father. Kusuo had always assumed that Kusuke despised him, but Kusuke explained that he merely liked to tease him, but sometimes maybe he should take down the “teasing” a notch down.

10. Yumehara Chiyo
Chiyo is your typical shoujo anime protagonist. She will do anything for her life. She romanticizes life and believes a lot in love even though her romantic life has not had that much good progress. She is desperate for love, as evidenced by her numerous attempts to obtain Kusuo’s attention before moving on to Takeru.

She starts chasing Kusuo again after breaking up with Takeru, only to fall in love with Shun instead (with the help of Kusuo). Mikoto’s declaration that she will become a four-time divorcee is unsurprising given her unstable attitudes toward boys. Even if she can be a bit obsessive at times, she is still pure-hearted and young with dreams any teenager haves, and that’s why she was able to make this list of the most popular Saiki K characters.
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