To the newbies, Marina Machete became the first trans woman to win the title of Miss Portugal. Now, she is set to compete in the 72nd Miss Universe in El Salvador. Well, it will take place next month. But, she will be accompanied by another trans woman contestant, Rikkie Kolle.
The latter won the title of Miss Netherlands, in July. Congratulations to both. But, fans are lately speculating about Marina Machete’s before and after looks. What’s up with her dramatic transformation?
Starting from the basics, Marina Machete is a 28-year-old flight attendant. She has been in this profession for the last five years. Marina hails from and grew up in a small Portuguese town called Palmela. It is located in the District of Setubal.
One must note, that she has always been ambitious and courageous. Being a big fan, you must know that Marina Machete is very much committed to the protection of human rights. As we all know, she won the title of Miss Portugal; she also earned the title of the “most confident” participant in the contest.
We wonder why trans women are not happily welcomed or even allowed to participate in modeling campaigns or even in any pageant competitions. Don’t you think that the system is wrong and harsh to the trans category? However, Marina Machete has proved herself now.
Before winning the Miss Portugal, she got blacklisted by many. In other words, they claimed her to be not “eligible to compete.”
When it comes to Marina Machete’s before and after looks, it doesn’t just highlight her facial appearance but also her courage and confidence. Not everyone has that. Here is what we know about Marina Machete’s mind-blowing transformation over the years.

Marina Machete’s Before And After Looks: Everything To Know
As hinted earlier, Marina Machete was assigned male at the time of birth. But, the good part was she was always aware of her interests as a woman. When she was 18 years old, she started the process of transition. Marina Machete’s before and after looks had a very significant part to do with her gender confirmation surgery in 2021.

It’s not just the simple transformation from a man to a woman. Moreover, it involves Marina’s suffering and struggle. Before she got transformed, she felt isolated from her friends.
Not only that, she also faced bully and harassment due to her gender identity. It was more like “living a lie” before transitioning, as shared by Marina, herself.
Now, Marina Machete has become a successful model and is also a trans activist. Her before and after looks are also accompanied by her powerful words for the LGBTQ+ community.
The major reason why Marina Machete chose to participate in the Miss Portugal pageant was that she was willing to prove that even trans women are beautiful, intelligent, and capable. They are more like every other human being on earth. There is no difference.
Now, when Marina Machete is a model, she is glamorous, always. Taking care of her skin, and shape, has become her thing. But, what matters the most is Marina’s pure heart, which is much more celebrated than her looks.
Marina Machete is very successful in life and is an inspiration to many. She has worked with many brands and also walked the runway at fashion shows.