The epic battle between the allied forces of the four major crews and the Workers Force took an unexpected turn in Lookism Chapter 473. Despite the combined might of Daniel and the four heads, their nemesis, “The Thing,” somehow managed to withstand their coordinated attack.
Now stronger than ever, this fearsome foe continues to wreak havoc. That is the reason why fans of the series are really excited to find out the release date of the upcoming Lookism chapter 474.
Pushed to their limits, the four heads are in dire need of reinforcements. Salvation comes in the unexpected form of Goo Kim, who appears on the scene ready to fight. But with a lofty price tag of 1 billion won for his services, can the allies even afford this powerful new ally?
The fate of the battle hangs in the balance. Will Goo Kim prove worth the cost and finally take down “The Thing”? Find out in the next gripping chapter of Lookism!
Recap and Review
The epic clash between the four heads and the monstrous Thing rages on. Johan Seong suddenly finds himself in the Thing’s crosshairs as it rears back to deliver a bone-shattering punch. But with lightning reflexes, Eli Jang dashes in and deflects the blow at the last possible moment, saving Johan.

Despite their dire situation, the arrogant leaders remain overconfident. Daniel believes his raw power alone can overcome the Thing. Samuel is certain his speed and technique will prevail. Hot-headed Jake thinks he can simply overpower their opponent with brute force. Only the analytical Eli realizes just how dangerous their foe truly is.
Undeterred, Samuel swiftly moves in, hoping to use his agility to throw the Thing off balance. But he soon discovers that not even his impressive strength can budge the massive creature. Seeing his friend’s fruitless struggle, Jake jumps in to add his might. Together, their combined strength finally manages to smash the Thing back-first into the wall.
Sensing a chance to press the attack, Eli rushes forth and unleashes a flurry of powerful kicks against their dazed opponent. But the onslaught barely phases the Thing. With a single swipe of its gigantic arm, it easily bats away all four heads at once.

Lumbering forward, the Thing continues its relentless assault. Devoid of any real skill or finesse, it relies solely on its freakish power to crush anything in its path. As it closes in on Samuel once more, Eli makes a desperate gamble, lunging in to strike at its eyes. This brief distraction allows Jake to grab Samuel and retreat to safety.
But despite this momentary reprieve, the tide of battle remains against the four heads. They will need to work together and come up with a new strategy quickly or be crushed by the Thing’s sheer dominant strength.
Eli urgently warns the others not to fight the Thing one-on-one, as even a single blow could kill them. Jake questions how Eli managed to survive fighting it alone. Eli explains he had a terrain advantage but admits it was still an extremely close call. One hit likely would have finished him.
Spoilers and Expectations
Desperate for a strategy, Jake asks if anyone has a plan. Johan steps up, proposing a risky gambit requiring sacrifice. All eyes immediately turn to Samuel. Despite his protests, it’s quickly decided he’ll be the sacrificial lamb, as they’re out of time to argue.

Taking point, Samuel grapples the Thing from behind in a clinch, creating an opening for the others. With the Thing immobilized, the four leaders unleashed their strongest attacks. God Dog, Big Deal, Hostel, and the Workers rain down blow after devastating blow. The Thing finally crashes to the ground.
Release Date & Where to Read
The upcoming Lookism Chapter 474 is scheduled to be out for the fans to read on November 9, 2023.
- Central European Time: 03:00 PM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- New York: 09:00 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory: 12:00 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Pacific Time: 06:00 AM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
- Eastern European Time: 03:00 PM on Thursday, November 9, 2023
You will be able to read the upcoming Lookism Chapter 474 at the time and dates we have mentioned on WebToon or Naver.