For its 25th anniversary, the first Cardcaptor Sakura animated film will return to movie theaters for a limited time in Japan, accompanied by a newly released trailer celebrating this special event. Notably, the film will be presented alongside a short film that was part of the original theatrical run back in 1999.
Initial details were shared in a press release from Gamer. The plot of Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie features an original story that takes Sakura and the rest of the cast to Hong Kong, the homeland of Syaoran Li, as seen in the newly released trailer below. Additionally, the included short film is a seven-minute production based on another of CLAMP’s works called Clover.
The original Clover manga spans four volumes, which the short film adapts into an artistic vignette accompanied by a melancholic theme. With no time for character introductions or much exposition, the impressive visuals and music effectively capture the tone of the work.
This unique double feature alongside Cardcaptor Sakura highlights CLAMP’s ability to create intriguing works for a wide range of audiences.
The Movie Won Feature Film Award with Studio Ghibli’s Visual Effects and Authentic Hong Kong Portrayal
Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie aimed to impress upon its initial release in 1999. While the original anime series crew was maintained throughout the entire production, Studio Ghibli assisted in the visual effects department.
For their efforts, the film was rewarded with the Feature Film Award at the now-defunct Animation Kobe event, a category it shares with the likes of Spirited Away and Paprika. This award was also given to the second Cardcaptor Sakura film, The Sealed Card, which served as the conclusion to the original anime series.
The first movie goes to great lengths to portray Hong Kong authentically, even serving as a time capsule considering how much the region has changed since the ’90s.
Cardcaptor Sakura Re-Release Offers Exclusive CLAMP Illustrations as Theater Bonuses
As an incentive for audiences to attend multiple screenings, the label attached to the re-release will supply special bonuses upon admission to the theater. For the first week, fans will receive one of two special illustrated cards designed by CLAMP: one featuring Sakura herself, and the other featuring Sue, the female protagonist of Clover.
Throughout the rest of the film’s run in theaters, attendees will receive one of two colored designs of Sakura based on the anime’s style. For those in Japan looking to relive the experience, these illustrations will serve as wonderful mementos.
Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card was released just one year after the first film, meaning 2025 will mark its 25th anniversary. It would therefore come as no surprise if a similar event is held in celebration of the second film at some point within the next year.
For now, fans in Japan will be able to enjoy the re-released theater experience of the first movie starting on August 9, 2024. For those outside the country, the first Cardcaptor Sakura anime series, as well as its newer sequel, Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card, are available to stream on Crunchyroll, as are both of the original sequel films.