Kristen Stewart stood firm in support of her bold and alluring Rolling Stone cover, confidently delivering a tasteful “F**k you” to critics during her appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.
He prefaced their discussion by mentioning that CBS had requested him not to display the cover photo, a request he humorously disregarded by praising Stewart’s appearance and quipping,
“You look better in a jock strap than I ever did.”
He then queried Kristen Stewart about the backlash the cover received, particularly regarding conservative concerns about “gender ideology” or similar issues.
Stewart said she would try her best to keep her answer “light” before saying:
“I think it’s a little ironic because I feel like I’ve seen a lot of male pubic hair on the cover of things. I’ve seen a lot of hands in pants… I think there’s a certain overt acknowledgment of female sexuality that has its own volition in a way that’s annoying for people who are sexist and homophobic.”
Stewart further asserted that the cover was “not remotely explicit,” proposing instead that it presents a portrayal of female sexuality divergent from the mainstream narrative.
“Female sexuality isn’t supposed to want anything except to be had,” she remarked. “And that feels like it’s protruding in a way that might be annoying. But, f**k you.”
After receiving a round of applause, Colbert prepared to proceed to the next question. However, Stewart seized the moment to ensure she delivered the punchline of her joke:
“But I never will!”