The hiatus of the Boruto franchise shook its entire narrative, particularly with Kawaki’s stunning move imprisoning Naruto and Hinata and manipulating reality to frame Boruto for Naruto’s disappearance.
As Boruto and Sasuke became fugitives, fans speculated about who would assume the Hokage mantle, especially considering the forthcoming time jump. Leaks suggest that Shikamaru will step into the role after Naruto, a choice that aligns with Konoha’s hierarchy and serves Kawaki’s agenda of maintaining order.
However, many fans argue that Kakashi should have reclaimed Hokage’s position. Despite briefly serving as the Sixth Hokage after Lady Tsunade, Kakashi’s tenure felt rushed and lacked exploration of his character development.
Konoha’s New Hokage Could’ve Corrected a Kakashi Error
His reprisal as Hokage would have provided an opportunity to witness his maturity, learnings from past mistakes with Sasuke, and efforts to foster unity among nations.
Moreover, Kakashi’s interim leadership would have echoed Hiruzen Sarutobi’s return to the Hokage role after Minato’s death, symbolizing continuity and stability in times of crisis. This decision would have brought Kakashi’s story full circle, given his bond with Hiruzen, and underscored his pivotal role in shaping Naruto’s era of peace.
Having Kakashi as Hokage again would have also enabled him to mentor Sarada, continuing the legacy of the Sarutobi lineage and mirroring Hiruzen’s guidance of Itachi during the Uchiha clan crisis.
Kakashi’s lack of familial constraints, unlike Shikamaru, would have allowed him to focus solely on his duties and the task at hand, potentially uncovering vital information about the Ōtsutsuki alien arcs.
Furthermore, Kakashi could have groomed Mirai Sarutobi as his successor, tying her lineage to the Hokage legacy and paving the way for a seamless transition. This storyline would have enriched the narrative, offering a natural progression for Mirai and honoring Asuma’s legacy.
Ultimately, while Shikamaru’s appointment may align with immediate narrative needs, Kakashi’s reinstatement as Hokage would have provided a more compelling and meaningful narrative arc, bridging generations and eras seamlessly. It’s a missed opportunity for Boruto to explore Kakashi’s character depth and legacy fully.