Kill Blue is a manga that centers around Juzo Ogami, a renowned hitman who undergoes a peculiar transformation. While on a mission, he is stung by an artificially created wasp, resulting in his physical age reverting to that of an 11-year-old while retaining all of his memories. In need of money to sustain himself, Ogami’s boss suggests that he attend the same private school as his daughter, offering him suitable job opportunities.
Initially hesitant, Ogami gradually develops a newfound passion for learning, finding unexpected enjoyment in his school experience. The manga follows his journey as he navigates the challenges of middle school while concealing his true identity. Despite his background, he manages to survive the school environment, captivating readers with a blend of action and comedy.
Created by Tadatoshi Fujimaki, the same creator of “Kuroko’s Basketball,” “Kill Blue” promises to deliver excellence in terms of both artwork and storytelling. With its engaging narration and visually appealing illustrations, the manga offers an enticing blend of action and humor. If you appreciate the combination of these genres, “Kill Blue” presents itself as a perfect read for you.
Kill Blue Chapter 5 Recap
Kotatsu wakes up Ogami, who lives in a dump house, because he hasn’t been cleaning up after himself. When Kotatsu scolds him about the importance of hygiene, Ogami replies by saying that cleaning is not for men. However, Kotatsu immediately interrupts him, telling him that his comment is inappropriate today and that he could be canceled for saying such things.
Ogami remembers that he needs to join a club at school but hasn’t decided which one yet. He firmly believes that he should stay away from anything related to sports, as he doesn’t want to attract attention to himself. He asks Ryo which club he plans to join, and Ryo tells him that he’s planning to join the Kendo club. Ogami’s respect for his friend increases instantly. Ryo suggests that Ogami joins the home economics club, which focuses on cooking, sewing, and laundry. However, Ogami makes another offensive comment by saying that there will mostly be girls in that club.
He is interrupted by Ogami’s sister, who makes him understand that cleaning up after oneself and taking care of oneself is not determined by gender. She drags Ogami to the club to witness how things work and challenges him to a bet. If he loses and likes it, he has to join the club. If he doesn’t like it, she will take care of him as part of her club activities.
On the first day, they make rice balls and miso soup, which Ogami enjoys but not enough to make him want to join the club. However, after following the advice of Ryo’s sister, Ogami gives the meal he cooked to his family. Later, his family calls to thank him for the meal, which moves Ogami emotionally. He decides to join the club the next day.
At the club, Ogami also encounters Mitsuoka, who is as rude as ever to him. Kotatsu informs him that the way to get his old body back is to marry Mitsuoka, which leaves Ogami in severe shock.
Kill Blue Chapter 6 Release Date
The manga Kill Blue Chapter 6 will be released globally on Sunday, May 28th.
- UK and Ireland: 4:00 PM GMT, Sunday, May 28th
- Europe: 5:00 PM CEST, Sunday, May 28th
- Moscow: 6:00 PM MSK, Sunday, May 28th
- Brazil (Brasília Time): 12:00 PM BST, Sunday, May 28th
- Eastern Time (New York, Toronto): 11:00 AM ET, Sunday, May 28th
- Central Time (Chicago, Regina): 10:00 AM CST, Sunday, May 28th
- Pacific Time (Los Angeles, Vancouver): 8:00 AM PST, Sunday, May 28th
- India: 8:30 PM IST, Sunday, May 28th
- Vietnam and Thailand: 10:00 PM ICT, Sunday, May 28th
- Philippines: 11:00 PM PHT, Sunday, May 28th
Kill Blue Chapter 6 Spoilers
Even Ogami himself is not in favor of marrying Norel as a means to regain his normal body. Setting aside the unsettling aspect of Ogami being an adult, it is evident that he still holds affection for his ex-wife and daughter, as shown by his reaction to their appreciation of his cooking. Therefore, if Ogami were forced to marry Norel, it could potentially jeopardize his opportunity to improve his relationship with his ex-wife, possibly hindering any chances of reconciliation between them, knowing if the solution is solid or just a suggestion can be only known in the next update.
Kill Blue Chapter 6 Where To Read
Fans can find the manga Kill Blue on Viz Media, a platform that provides the latest manga chapters for readers to enjoy. Moreover, Manga Plus or Shonen Jump also offers free access to manga for interested fans.
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