K-Soul, a member of the group Fantasy Boys, has officially announced his departure from the group on January 24. The idol shared the news on his Instagram, revealing that he had learned through the Korean agency PocketDol Studio’s official Daum Cafe that he would no longer be part of Fantasy Boys.
K-Soul expressed his gratitude to fans who had supported him and made it clear that he would not be making any further comments on the matter.
K-Soul’s departure comes after a four-month hiatus from the group. He had originally taken a break from activities in October 2024 due to the poor health of his father and grandmother, with the agency explaining that he needed to return to China to be with his family.
This break came just 10 days after Fantasy Boys’ debut, which took place on September 21, 2024, with the release of their first mini-album New Tomorrow.
Fantasy Boys, a group formed through the MBC idol audition show My Teenage Boy, initially debuted as an 11-member group and is managed by PocketDol Studio.
While the group had initially garnered attention, K-Soul’s departure marks a significant change for the team, leaving fans to speculate on the group’s future plans without him.
K-Soul’s departure marks a bittersweet end to his brief time in the spotlight with Fantasy Boys, as fans now await further updates from both him and the group.