JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s spin-off, Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, has become one of the most popular offshoots of the anime franchise, receiving both an anime adaptation and a live-action TV series. In a surprising twist, the stars who portray Rohan and his editor, Kyoka Izumi, have shared unexpected news—they’ve tied the knot.
While Rohan and Kyoka aren’t romantically linked in the original manga, Issey Takahashi and Marie Iitoyo announced their marriage.
The two actors grew close while working on the project together, deepening their connection over time. Their relationship blossomed after a year of dating, with the full support of everyone involved in their work.
Thus, Spoke Kishibe Rohan follows the adventures of Kishibe Rohan, a stand-wielding manga artist perpetually searching for inspiration.
Creator Hirohiko Araki clearly favors the character, as Rohan’s side stories continue to charm fans, and he recently returned in The JOJOLands storyline. Last year, Rohan even starred in his own live-action movie, cementing his popularity in the anime community.
In their official marriage announcement, Issey and Marie expressed their joy and gratitude. They described each other’s positive qualities and how they support and complement one another. While they remain committed to their acting careers, they also look forward to enriching their lives together beyond their roles as actors.