With his brash arrogance, foul mouth, and zealot-like devotion to the entity Jashin, Hidan established himself as one of the most memorable rogues amongst the dangerous organization known as the Akatsuki.
Though he bickered constantly with his partner Kakuzu, their contrasting abilities made them a perilous duo.
Physically, Hidan had a distinctive appearance – medium-length silver hair slicked back to showcase odd violet-pink eyes and his religious Jashin pendant necklace.
As one of the more recently inducted members of the Akatsuki, he was central to their schemes during Naruto’s youth.
Specifically, Hidan’s blood-thirsty battles against Team Asuma cemented him as a fan-favorite villain. His seeming immortality and brutal curse rituals pushed the Leaf Ninja to their limits both physically and emotionally.
Ultimately Shikamaru managed to bury Hidan’s living body in a remote forest – neutered but not technically dead.

Now in the era of Boruto, new sinister forces menace the world. And some fans theorize the long-entombed Hidan may resurrect to wreak more havoc.
However, given his defeat occurred well over a decade ago, it is highly improbable the writers would revisit this character. The Boruto plots have moved forward with newer, more relevant threats.
So while many remember Hidan fondly, do not expect this agent of chaos to trouble the heroes again. His legacy as a roguishly psychotic villain remains intact, but his time has passed.
Is Hiden Really Immortal?
Hidan’s defining trait is his inability to die – any lethal blows simply cause him pleasure as he mocks his opponents’ frustration.
This disturbing immortality stems from his zealous worship of the little-understood deity Jashin. Indeed, early on even the Leaf Village mistakenly thought Hidan himself had dreamed up this god and the accompanying religion.
In reality, Jashin has existed for ages, but details remain sparse even now. What is clear is that Hidan’s gruesome rituals and non-stop killings are done as sacrifices to feed this evil god’s power.

At some point after rising high in Jashin’s favor, Hidan attained undying status. Yet whether all devoted followers eventually receive this divine gift of immortality is questionable.
The introduction of Ryuki – another Jashin disciple in Boruto’s era desperate to achieve everlasting life – suggests such blessings are exceedingly rare. Ryuki has committed countless atrocities trying to curry favor but found no success.
He now believes only by mass ritual slaughter can he prove himself worthy to his god. So perhaps Hidan gained immortality through immense sacrifices beyond what most can achieve – fueling Jashin enough to secure this ultimate reward. Of course with little still known about Jashinism, the exact process remains a mystery.
Ryuki’s Desperate Quest
What is certain is that Hidan stands unique even amongst the most faithful. His own villainy seemingly knows no bounds, buoyed by an inability to perish and a religious fervor to convert all to Jashin’s fold – or murder them trying.
So while the lure of immortality draws new zealots like Ryuki, duplicating Hidan’s feat seems near impossible. For better or worse, he has and will likely remain the sole undying agent of Jashin’s will.
Hidan’s seemingly indestructible existence is a disturbing feat – foes able to grievously wound but never kill him.

Blades pierce his flesh without consequence, hellish flames merely blacken skin that regrows and severed heads shout curses while bodies fruitlessly search. For all intents, Hidan is un-killable.
This regenerative prowess outstrips even Orochimaru’s forbidden techniques.
As long as Hidan performs his Jashin rituals to sustain favor, no earthly injury can finish him off. However, his immortality does have defined limits.
Decapitation renders him paralyzed and helpless until reassembled – so foes could permanently dismember and then hide his living corpse.
Additionally, while ageless against mortal wounds, over time malnutrition could claim Hidan where blades failed.

With sustenance, his unnatural life continues indefinitely…but ultimately food or lack thereof is the lone vector of death.
Of course, such limitations matter little to this zealot. Pain fills Hidan with ecstasy, driving bloody frenzies to convert or kill.
Fear of demise or even capture is non-existent. So long as there is fresh agony and gore spilled in Jashin’s name, this nightmare seems forever unending. Foes may seal Hidan away, but few options exist for conclusively ending his mad existence.
Is Hiden Still Alive?
The nearly unbeatable Hidan ultimately met his match in Shikamaru of the Leaf Village’s Team 10. Realizing a head-on assault was fruitless, the clever ninja instead out-maneuvered Hidan, luring him into a trap.
Once the ritualist was immobilized in a pit, Shikamaru proceeded to violently dismember his body before burying the gruesome pieces deep in the Nara Clan Forest.
This assuredly fulfilled Shikamaru’s goal of eliminating the threat, but questions linger if it truly ended Hidan for good. As an immortal follower of Jashin, can such drastic measures actually kill him?

Hidan himself claimed only starvation could claim his life eventually. And entombed far underground, deprived of food, water, and means of escape – starvation seems an inevitable end.
However, some speculate perhaps dehydration may finish the job first. Without fluids, the human body fails faster than it does lacking only nutrients.
Still, given Hidan’s thin frame with minimal fat reserves, at best, he could endure a week or two without perishing…seemingly not enough time for rescue.
Of course, Hidan’s boasts around death could be mere posturing too. But assuming his immortality functions as described, his feats ended when Shikamaru buried him alive in darkness.
None can save him now from that choking, torturous demise in solitude beneath the earth. Not the way Hidan might have envisioned his final moments. But a fitting end to his tale of chaos and carnage nonetheless.
Possibility of Hiden Being Alive
While Shikamaru’s brutal dismemberment and burial of Hidan seemed a fitting end, some fans question if the immortal fanatic could actually still be alive down there. After all, we witnessed Hidan’s severed head loudly cursing its fate – hardly the actions of a dead man.
And as an undying follower of Jashin, can mere physical traps and deprivation truly finish him off? Just because Hidan lies sealed meters underground does not guarantee death.

For all we know, he could be slowly tunneling to freedom even now. Chewing through dirt and stone relentlessly over the years until he claws back to the surface.
Even starvation may not be guaranteed in that dank pit. The soil likely teems with worms and insects – meager nourishment perhaps, but sustenance nonetheless for someone that fanatical about living. Hidan has proven willing to endure astounding lengths to achieve his goals.
Some may argue immobilization of Sixth Feet spares the Ninja world from his madness. But with an immortal like Hidan, assuming death without proof seems premature.
Until we witness his lifeless body or a shattered psyche having abandoned Jashinism, the possibility of this villain digging his way back into the story lingers. Unlikely maybe, but with immortals few things are truly certain.
What Kishimoto Says About Hiden’s Death
When laying Hidan’s broken body to rest in the Nara forest, Shikamaru assumed it was the end for his immortal foe. But the manga made clear such assumptions may be premature.
Despite dismemberment and live burial, Hidan continued screaming curses from his decapitated head – hardly signs of true death.
As an un-killable zealot, only the passing of time itself may claim Hidan…something difficult to achieve entombed underground.

Realistically he could persist in stasis for years awaiting escape or rescue. And when that opportunity arises, his vengeance will undoubtedly be fearsome.
Indeed, evidence suggests the writers have long considered reviving the popular villain. Creator Masashi Kishimoto has named Hidan one of his favorite Akatsuki, wishing to expand on the character’s origins and weapon in the future.
Early in development, Kishimoto even considered featuring Hidan in the Fourth Great Ninja War!
While omitted then, it reveals the writers’ openness to revisiting past rogues. And what better candidate than the foul-mouthed embodiment of death himself?
An agent of chaos purpose-built to endure any conflict and sow disorder amongst the heroes once more.
So while some may wish Hidan forever condemned to the cold darkness, fate may grant him a second chance to walk the Earth. For what is a grim ending to most men…is but a prolonged waiting game for one unable to die.
How Powerful Is Hiden?
In battle, Hidan relies on misdirection and range – wielding a retractable triple scythe swinging on a long cable to keep foes at bay. His movements are swift and evasive, making it difficult to strike him in close-quarters combat.
However, Hidan’s true goal is not to kill directly with his blade, but simply to draw a few drops of blood from his opponent.

For once tasting that vital fluid, his appalling ritual may commence. Hidan retreats to a Jashin symbol he’s etched into the earth, skin shifting to a skeletal black and white effigy.
Now begins his dreaded voodoo Curse Technique. Any injuries Hidan inflicts on himself in this circle are mirrored onto his opponent’s body – but with one key difference: the damage remains lethal to them while Hidan suffers no lasting harm.
With this power he sadistically tortures his victims, finding creative ways to maim himself as they writhe in escalating agony.
Hiden once used this living curse to effortlessly overwhelm and slaughter Asuma Sarutobi, an elite ninja of the Leaf Village. And Asuma was far from his only victim. Once the ritual starts, the odds of survival are frightfully low.