Hunter x Hunter, created by Yoshihiro Togashi, is one of the most beloved and influential manga series in the world. Since its debut in 1998, it has gained a massive fanbase and earned praise for its creative storytelling, complex characters, and intense battles. Despite its success, the series is often overshadowed by frequent and lengthy hiatuses, which have frustrated fans and affected its legacy.
The story follows Gon Freecss, a young boy who sets out on an adventure to become a Hunter and find his father, Ging. Hunters are elite individuals who take on dangerous tasks like treasure hunting, venturing unknown lands, and capturing criminals. Throughout his journey, Gon meets memorable characters, including Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio, who become his closest friends.
A Masterpiece in Storytelling
What makes Hunter x Hunter stand out is its unpredictable plot twists, deep character development, and complex moral dilemmas. From the intense Hunter Exam arc to the dark and thought-provoking Chimera Ant arc, the series keeps readers on edge with its unique storytelling.
While Hunter x Hunter is widely admired, its legacy has been affected by repeated hiatuses. Yoshihiro Togashi has taken multiple breaks from writing and drawing the manga due to health issues, particularly severe back problems.
These breaks often last for months or even years, leaving fans uncertain about when or if the story will continue. The most recent hiatus, which began in 2018, kept fans waiting for four years until new chapters were released in 2022.
Fan Frustration
Many fans express frustration over the long gaps between chapters. They worry that the story may never reach a proper conclusion. This concern is heightened because Hunter x Hunter has several unresolved plotlines, including Kurapika’s mission against the Phantom Troupe and Gon’s relationship with his father.
Despite this frustration, fans continue to support Togashi and understand the importance of his health. Some even admire his dedication to returning to work despite his physical challenges.
Despite its hiatuses, Hunter x Hunter remains a cornerstone of the anime and manga world. Its influence can be seen in other popular series, and its characters are still celebrated by fans. The 2011 anime adaptation, in particular, introduced the story to a new generation and remains highly praised for its faithful and high-quality adaptation.
Fans remain hopeful that Togashi will be able to continue and eventually complete Hunter x Hunter. His return in 2022 gave readers renewed optimism, even though the series went back on hiatus shortly after.
Whether or not the story reaches its conclusion, Hunter x Hunter will always be remembered as a groundbreaking series that redefined shonen manga. Despite the long breaks, its impact on the world of storytelling is undeniable. Fans will continue to cherish its legacy, hoping for more adventures with Gon and his friends.