Last Sunday, famed manga artist Yoshihiro Togashi disclosed one of the final scenarios he envisioned for Hunter X Hunter during a televised interview in Japan. Togashi shared that out of precaution, should his variable health condition prevent him from concluding the manga series, and he structured three distinct final act directions ranked by projected reader approval.
The unranked fourth plotline alternative he chose to unveil would have transpired in the regrettable event of his premature passing. Hunter X Hunter’s publication chronology is beleaguered by protracted hiatuses directly correlated to its creator’s health ups and downs.
Understandably, Togashi’s sobering contingency measure has cast fans into despondency rather than excitement or speculation. Their foremost desire is simply for the legendary manga visionary to remain well enough to bring his life’s work to a proper close on his own terms.
Hunter x Hunter Creator, Togashi Citing Fears Of Death
News recently emerged about acclaimed manga artist Yoshihiro Togashi’s interview revealing potential endings for his Hunter x Hunter series.
Togashi-sensei has battled frequent health issues that have delayed new chapters of his fantasy epic. As his illness persists, Togashi-sensei worries he may pass before satisfactorily finishing the complex tale still unfolding in his mind.

Seeking closure for loyal readers should fate take him prematurely, Togashi has outlined three possible canon conclusions: Endings A, B, and C. (You can have a detailed explanation of each ending in the “anime” section of our site).
He predicts fans would largely appreciate Ending A, though some critique is probable. Ending B would polarize his base, eliciting equally positive and negative reactions.
Togashi believes Ending C would garner unanimous praise for tying up the sprawling story in a gratifying way.
Additionally, Togashi shared a fourth, unranked ending he keeps unpublished in case declining health forces him to abruptly stop mid-plot.
This dark, aborted scenario involves leading heroes dying prematurely without achieving their ambitions.
Togashi-sensei clings to the hope that he will remain healthy enough to complete Hunter x Hunter on his own time. However, he wants to assure fans that he will have some finish should tragedy arise.
Devoted followers ache for their beloved mangaka’s full recovery so his singular talent can gift the world with Hunter x Hunter’s true ending as he envisions–not the melancholy alternatives no one desires unless absolutely necessary.
Togashi-sensei’s foresight and humility, despite suffering, have only augmented fans’ admiration and patience for however long it takes.

Togashi unveiled his least popular scripted finale – Ending C – which he estimates would only satisfy 10% of fans, yet it is his personal favorite.
To provide closure, he disclosed a previously scrapped fourth conclusion kept in reserve should misfortune cut his life short.
This ending fast forwards decades down the line to introduce Jin Freecs, grandson of protagonist Gon, who opts not to become a Hunter despite harboring the requisite talents.
It reveals Gon’s activities post-canon, depicting how he formed a family. While not referencing outcomes for fan favorites Killua or others explicitly, Togashi stipulates their descendants would feature peripherally.
The humble mangaka emphasized this Epilogue Chapter is only a contingency, not the true ending his health currently permits him to work toward. Still, Togashi could not bear leaving loyal readers bereft of any resolution where he was unable to survive completing his magnum opus.
This melancholic denouement provides glimpses of a future without capturing all fans crave after investing in the central heroes’ unfinished journeys.
Yet Togashi’s willingness to share even unpolished contingency epilogues exemplifies his integrity and care for supporters. His foremost hope remains finishing Hunter x Hunter properly to fully immortalize the rich world and complex figures still unfolding inside his matchless imagination.
How This Will Affect The Hunter X Hunter Fanbase?
The manga industry has claimed many esteemed artists due to its intense workload, stress, and demanding lifestyle.
Togashi has struggled with health issues for years, resulting in Hunter x Hunter’s notoriously protracted breaks and hiatuses.
Most devoted fans primarily wish to see the venerated mangaka restored to full vigor, with the manga’s conclusion a secondary concern.

Yet in revealing contingency endings, Togashi clearly feels beholden to eventually provide story closure after readers’ long investment.
This sobering account disheartened fans already worried for Togashi’s well-being. However, his guarded secrecy around the three ranked outcomes suggests his condition has not drastically deteriorated recently.
As long as Togashi focuses on healing first, fans seem willing to accept whichever concluding version fate decrees, even if it is the unpolished fourth ending meant only as a conceptual fallback.
To followers, their beloved creator living well supersedes any fictional finale. Still, Togashi’s diligent contingency planning while navigating illness shows deep respect and care for his loyal readership built over decades.
In prioritizing his irreplaceable health and vision above all, perhaps Togashi can yet defy the curse now synonymous with the industry that made him an icon. For their part, fans patiently hope to accompany this masterful storyteller wherever the long path of restoring vitality leads.