How to Gracefully Divorce a Dragon Chapter 4 will be airing next week! Previously, we witnessed Seyun having a cute interaction with her senior Hangyeol. She knew that he was a beast like her, but the opposite can’t be sure of as Hangyeol seemed unaware of Seyun’s true identity.
Meanwhile, the burdens of being the new student body rep for the first years is crawling on Seyun. She thought she could handle all the pressure for the sake of meeting Hangyeol, but now faced with a real task of producing varsity jackets, reality comes crashing down.
Seyun ends up getting in the car of a new senior Baek Woojin, ready to venture into the clothing shops to produce those jackets for her batchmates.
Jeong Seyun is on a rather romantic night walk with her Hangyeol sunbae, and she can’t help but get nervous around him. While walking, Hangyeol mentions how Jihyeok yelled at her and told Seyun not to take offense as he can be pretty harsh with the freshers. Seyun tells him he’s okay and they laugh on it.

Hangyeol asks Seyun if she’s popular as she looks the type, but she counters with the same argument as he was good looking. He tells her how people often say he resembles a fox, and Seyun is unsure of whether Hagyeol knows that she too like him, is a beast.
She tries to hint it by saying she is often said to look like a rabbit, but clueless Hangyeol doesn’t seem to be catching on. Since it was getting chilly outside, they both return after the walk.
After spending time with Hangyeol, Seyun was now set on dating this senior- to the point she even volunteered to be student rep for the first years. Since Hagyeol was in student council, she expected to spend alot of time around him by joining and disregarded the heavy workload that was to come.
All of her friends warned her about the pressuring responsibility of the reps, but Seyun would dismiss them for the sake of Hangyeol.
The next day, Seyun is asked to handle the production of varsity jackets. She was told that it was the duty of every first year rep to find a clothing company and distribute them.

Now burderned with a task, Seyun decides to ask her batchmates the kind of jacket they would want, and no one replies nicely. Some of them even bash her for asking such a question knowing they’re busy with coursework. Seeing the messages, she gets frustrated as she too had her own coursework to complete.
Seyun decides to visit her Hangyeol sunbae and ask for advice, assuming he was the rep during his first year. Turns out that Hangyeol never participated in the distribution of jackets, but Baek Woojin.
Disappointed that she couldn’t use the opportunity as an excuse to talk to Hangyeol, Seyun decides to just get done with the work instead rather than mope around. When she meets Woojin, she feels a mysterious aura around him, making her question his real identity.
Woojin tells her that he knew a store much cheaper than the ones she made a list of, and offered to take her there. The chapter ends with Seyun and Woojin getting in his car together in search of the clothing company from where he had bought the varsity jackets.
Release Date and Where to Read
How to Gracefully Divorce a Dragon Chapter 4 will be airing next Friday on 19th January, 2024. The release date and time of the upcoming chapter in different time zones is provided below, as the hour of its release can vary across regions:
- Japanese Standard Time: 10:00 PM on Friday, January 19, 2024
- Central European Time: 03:00 PM on Friday, January 19, 2024
- New York: 09:00 AM on Friday, January 19, 2024
- Australian Capital Territory: 12:00 AM on Friday, January 19, 2024
- Pacific Time: 06:00 AM on Friday, January 19, 2024
- Eastern European Time: 03:00 PM on Friday, January 19, 2024
Kakao Page will have all chapters of How to Gracefully Divorce a Dragon available to read in raw scans. Unfortunately, the Manhwa is only currently available in Korean. There is no official English translation of the chapters accessible to the internationsl readers just yet.