Bosses in the Zelda series rarely act silly, but when they do, it’s usually for a good reason. One of the game’s finest boss fights is found in the Water Temple of Tears of the Kingdom, and while it’s interesting, it can be a bit of a mess.
The war in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom are a bit different from its predecessor. Instead of small villains of the main antagonist, you are up against a real threat that causes environmental catastrophes for the Hylian populace who just want to get on with their lives.

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Mucktorok Boss completes both the Sidon of the Zora quest and the Water Temple. You’ve got to make your way through a lot of sticky muck, and now it’s time for this little monster to get even.
We advise stocking up on arrows, Hasty Elixirs, heart- and stamina-boosting foods, and weapons with attack damage above 15 before you engage in this Zelda:
Tears of the Kingdom boss fight. Fortunately, Link has help in each temple who can help him fight that temple’s boss. In this instance, Zelda: TOTK’s Prince Sidon of the Zora will aid in cleaning the sludge away.
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Preparation Before the Fight
There are many ways to face Mucktorok, the Scourge of the Water Temple, and each one of them involves the element of water.
Bring splash fruit and chu chu jelly to this fight. This is more for cleaning up the sludge on the boss and the floor than for dealing with damage.
Additionally, you should bring a lot of arrows and Keese eyeballs because it is difficult to catch up to the boss when it is running away from you without using a long-range attack.
Sidon shields you from harm and clears out the muck if you want to keep those items and focus on other aspects of the war. Bring your strongest weapons, too, because we need to get this slippery fish out the door.
How to Beat Mucktorok?
This battle’s opening phase is fairly simple. You must reveal the octopus underneath by removing the sludge from Mucktorok’s body as it swims around the arena.
You must use Sidon or depend on water-based objects to launch or fire with arrows at it in order to accomplish this. Mucktorok will quickly swim in circles around the boundaries of the arena, so be sure to keep track of it.
It will either push into you or shoot a murky laser at you when it attacks. If he’s close, it’s difficult to avoid either attack, so just run quickly. When you have the opportunity, hit it with water—once with Sidon or twice with items—and it will become visible. Then Muckotorok will flee. Then, whale away at it after firing an arrow at it to knock it over.

Additionally, you can take advantage of the Water Temple’s low gravity by leaping into the air, where you can use the height to enter slow motion and shoot arrows at the boss.
One change occurs in the second half of the fight. Mucktorok covers the area in sludge explosions. This means that you have few options for movement because the sludge will make you move very slowly. So now you’re engaged in combat with both the boss and the elements.
We advise you to remove the sludge, both with Sidon and your possessions. If you have plenty of resources, you can keep eliminating Mucktorok even though it will keep topping up its mess. He will have a new attack that deals with damage if you are hit by the sludge that it sprays into the air.
After the sludge has been removed, the Mucktorok will try to dive into piles of sludge, but you are unable to follow them. Instead, try using explosive items from Zelda: TOTK, like a Bomb Flower, along with arrows to entice it outside so you can attack it directly.
Additionally, if you can time a jump correctly and has his bow equipped, you can produce the slowdown effect, which can be used to strike the Mucktorok and throw it off course as it is about to jump into a pile of sludge. Continue to expose the Mucktorok and use melee weapons to attack it until its health is gone.
The fight will be over when the Mucktorok loses all of its health. Then, Link will be able to recover items that the Octorok dropped, including a Heart Container.
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