This Manga series is illustrated by Haruko Ichikawa, whose first chapter was published on 25 October 2012. It is an Action, Drama, and Fantasy manga that is a Seinen-type manga. This series is one of the most unique Seinen-type manga that comes out of the premises of the industry. This manga series is full of emotional elements that change throughout the manga. One time, you will laugh at reading some ridiculous scenes, but sometimes you get emotional that you will cry in the heart along with a very creative and interactive world-building.
This manga follows the story of Earth, where six meteorites struck and created six moons and left a lone island in their creation where only those who could not make it was the one who sank to the bottom of the ocean, where with time, they slowly turned into crystals. As the number of Millennia passed, 28 of those crystals had lifeforms known as the Lustrous, which rose from the ocean’s depth and came to the island. They have to defend themselves from Lunarians, inhabitants of the moon who come to the island to harvest their valuable bodies for crafting weapons and jewelry with the help of wise Kongou-sensei.
This manga series centers around Phosphophyllite, a young gem that is about to turn 300 years old but with a clumsy, extremely fragile body with no visible talent. They are one of the weakest gems, which doesn’t help in the fight with those Moonly creatures, but as the battles increases, they learn to use the power.
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Houseki no Kuni: Chapter 98 Recap
This chapter starts with Phos looking at all the Lunarians, all of the people who betrayed her, and those people who bowed down to her, she says I would make all of you my thralls for the rest of eternity, also in anger, she threatens them by saying she could Engulf all of them in flare and have all of them experience unending agony, after that she remembers the first day she woke up, and she was all alone in the meadow until she was told of this work and today, 10 thousand years later she feels the same loneliness like that in the past.
She prays for them that they will be sent off to nothingness and then, at last, all of us will understand each other discomfort. Others just bowed and thanked her for accomplishing that wish, and then she just nuked the planet by saying Farewell.
Houseki no Kuni: Chapter 99 Release Date & Time
Houseki no Kuni, also Known as the Land of Lustrous, is a Monthly Magazine published by Kodansha Afternoon’s Magazine. All the previous chapters were released on the 23rd of every month, and the previous Chapter was released recently on 23 November 2022, so, Houseki no Kuni: Chapter 99 will be released on 23 December 2022 in Japan. This release date is for the Japanese translation, but the English translation of this Manga will come after a couple of days.
Houseki no Kuni: Chapter 99 Preview
As for Chapter 99 of Houseki no Kuni, there are no confirmed spoilers to date because it releases monthly, so for preview and spoilers, it will take time to release official spoilers or, say, a Preview of the new chapter. But if you want spoilers for the upcoming chapter, they usually come to surface three to four days before the official release of the chapter, and We can speculate the spoilers will be out on 19 December 2022.
Where to Read, Chapter 99
There is no official way to read this manga’s latest chapter. We have to wait for the English translation of these chapters to be released on Kodansha USA, Where the English translation was released and is two volumes behind the current chapter and a total of 10 volumes released in English. To read the latest chapter as soon as it is released, you must rely on an unofficial site or fan translation of Houseki no Kuni chapter 99.