The school life comedy manga Houkago no Goumon Shoujo, by author BOKU, was released on August 23, 2017. The manga has completed 12 volumes so far, and it is quite popular among male readers. Ishimaru was a first-year high school student who was always unlucky with girls. But after enrolling in high school, on his first day, he had a dream-like encounter with two of his seniors, Kiyoka Sasahara and Asami Tomochika.
Two were his type; one had a more cute side, while the other had a cool persona, but they were both beautiful, so Ishimaru hit the jackpot on his first day. Ishimaru got hurt when he ran into Kiyoka and got hurt, so Asami and Kiyoko took him to their Humanism clubroom to treat his wound.
Ishimaru was excited to find out if he would meet more cute girls like the two of them and if he would finally achieve the sweetest high school life he had always dreamt of. But once he got there, Asami’s aura changed drastically.
Before, she was being all sweet and nice to him, but suddenly she was very rude. Ishimaru then spotted the torture devices in their clubroom. The two of them welcomed him to the club, but Ishimaru thought someone was trying to pull a prank on him because there was no way he could ever be a part of the humanism club.
Ishimaru then found out that all the action before was just to lure him into the club. When Ishimaru declined their offer, they tried to change his mind by tempting him with a game. Let’s find out the release date for Houkago no Goumon Shoujo Chapter 158 and where you can read Chapter 158 online.
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Houkago no Goumon Shoujo Chapter 157 Recap
When the Humanism Studies Club arrived in the US, the girls were very excited about the new adventure. Still, Ishimaru was finding it hard to believe that he was finally in America. But after seeing all the foreigners around them, he realized that he was not dreaming and they were actually in America.
They needed to head to the city center first, and Ishimary was trying to figure out a way to get there, but Mitomori had already got a taxi for them even before they could think about it some more. The other members realized that Mitomori was a returning student and knew everything and how to go about it, so they followed her lead.
When they arrived in Manhattan, the girls wanted to take some pictures, but Ishimaru reminded them they did not have time. They tried some authentic hot dogs in the city, went to Queens and the Statue of Liberty, and they were enjoying their sightseeing.
But Ishimaru was losing his temper because they came to search for Asami and not explore the country; the girls were not sure how they were going to search for her in such a big city. Ishimaru looked into the date and informed them Asami was last seen near the central park, so they should begin from there.
Houkago no Goumon Shoujo Chapter 158 Release Date And Time
Houkago no Goumon Shoujo does not follow a fixed schedule, so we can only provide you with an estimated release date for Houkago no Goumon Shoujo chapter 158. According to the previously released chapter of Houkago no Goumon Shoujo, readers can expect Houkago no Goumon Shoujo chapter 158 to be out on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. JST. The international schedule for Houkago no Goumon Shoujo chapter 158 is as follows:
- US: 8:00 p.m. EST on Monday, April 24, 2023
- Canada: 8:00 p.m. NT on Monday, April 24, 2023
- India: 5:30 a.m. IST on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
- Australia: 10:00 a.m. AEST on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
- Philippines: 8:00 a.m. PHT on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
- Japan: 9:00 a.m. JST on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
- South Korea: 9:00 a.m. KST on Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Where To Read Houkago no Goumon Shoujo Chapter 158
Houkago no Goumon Shoujo Chapter 158 will be available in Pocket Shonen Magazine. Houkago no Goumon Shoujo has not been licensed in English yet, so readers cannot read Houkago no Goumon Shoujo chapter 158 digitally on any reading platform.
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