When the Hell’s Paradise anime premiered in April 2023, it unexpectedly joined the ranks of distinguished dark anime series like Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man. Yuji Kaku, the series creator who previously worked as an editor for Chainsaw Man, found his own creation drawing comparisons to Tatsuki Fujimoto’s acclaimed work.
While the manga had its share of popularity, it was the anime’s debut that truly propelled Hell’s Paradise into the spotlight. Produced by MAPPA and Twin Engine, the series garnered attention, but surprisingly, Kaku chose not to play a significant role in its adaptation.
Director Kaori Makita revealed this decision during an interview, explaining that Kaku preferred to maintain a distance from the anime’s production process, entrusting the animators and producers with creative control.
This approach deviated from the norm, where many manga creators, like Eiichiro Oda of One Piece fame, actively participated in their anime adaptations.
Despite his initial reservations, Kaku eagerly anticipated the anime’s release, albeit with some apprehensions. Nonetheless, Hell’s Paradise emerged as one of the standout anime productions of 2023, solidifying its place in anime.