The heartwarming tale of “Grandpa And Grandma Turn Young Again,” adapted from Kagiri Araido’s manga, showcases the enduring love between Shouzou Saitou and his wife, Ine. Married for nearly six decades, their bond remains unwavering despite life’s trials. Amidst the tranquility of their apple orchard, a golden fruit alters their fate, restoring their youth overnight.
Shouzou and Ine embrace life’s adventures with newfound vigor, from reliving youthful pastimes to igniting romance sparks. As they bask in rediscovered love, their journey inspires their family and viewers alike. As the anime approaches its poignant finale, a charming promo video revisits the enchanting tale of rekindled love.
Under the direction of Masayoshi Nishida at studio GEKKOU, “Grandpa And Grandma Turn Young Again” flourishes with Yukie Sugawara’s compelling series composition, Nagisa Takahashi’s evocative character designs, and the melodic touch of Tomoki Hasegawa’s music.