Crunchyroll officially announced the long-awaited anime adaptation of Hisaya Nakajo’s beloved shojo manga “Hana-Kimi” (For You in Full Bloom), marking a significant milestone nearly two decades after the manga ended and just months following Nakajo’s passing in October 2023.
Although details such as the release date, cast, and staff remain undisclosed, fans can anticipate streaming the anime on Crunchyroll upon its premiere. The announcement coincides with the 20th anniversary of the manga’s ending, evoking both joy and melancholy among fans.
The Hana to Yume editorial department expressed gratitude for the enduring support and recognized the late author’s involvement in the project’s early stages.
“Hana-Kimi” chronicles the journey of Mizuki, a track-and-field athlete who disguises herself as a boy to attend an all-boys school in Japan and be closer to her high jump idol, Izumi Sano.
The manga, serialized from 1996 to 2004, has cultivated a devoted fanbase through its 23 volumes and numerous live-action adaptations across Asia. The forthcoming anime aspires to resonate with a new generation of viewers.