Actress Ha Yeon Joo Shares Injury Experience, Receives Stitches on HeadOn March 15th, Ha Yeon Joo updated her Instagram with a post detailing the injury she sustained while filming for her current drama series.
In her caption, she revealed, “I got three stitches on my head after being injured during filming.” She expressed frustration about the numerous scenes she filmed involving physical altercations over the past few weeks.

Despite being hit with both bare hands and props, including those made of sugar glass, Ha Yeon Joo continued her performance, believing it was part of her job as an actress. However, the severity of the injury led her to realize the toll it took on her, stating, “But I finally ended up seeing blood like this. I’m upset now that I have a scar on my head.”
The actress also expressed her gratitude for receiving a present she had been eagerly awaiting and for the support from her fans, known as eels, during her action scenes.

In the heartfelt post, Ha Yeon Joo admitted to feeling upset about the injury, despite her efforts to remain composed.
The incident occurred while she is currently starring in KBS 2TV’s drama series ‘The Two Sisters.’