Adapted from Bukimi Miki’s superhero manga, Shy centers on Teru Momijiyama, Japan’s hero representative known as “Shy” due to her extreme shyness. Chosen to serve her country, Teru faces challenges from the start, including a disastrous public appearance at an amusement park and a failed rescue attempt that leaves a girl injured.
Blamed by the public and losing confidence, Teru isolates herself until encouraged by her friend, Spirit, to embrace her imperfections and return to heroism. Her journey includes befriending Iko Koishikawa, whom she saved, and preparing to confront Amarariruku, a villainous organization led by Stigma, aiming to reshape the world.
Now, as Shy prepares for its second season, slated to premiere on July 1, 2024, new revelations accompany its return. A Fresh Trailer, Key Visual, and additional Cast members, Century, voiced by Wataru Hatano, Tokimaru, voiced by Hiro Shimono, and Kuabara, voiced by Izumi Kitta, are introduced.
PassCode contributes the new opening theme, “WILLSHINE”. Masaomi Ando directs the anime at Eight Bit studio, with Yuichi Tanaka as main character designer and Risa Takai and Akihiro Sueta as character designers and chief animation directors. Hinako Tsubakiyama provides the series’ music, promising an exciting continuation of Teru’s heroic odyssey.