The story of Giji Harem centers around Eiji Kitahama, a high school sophomore with a simple desire to be popular. His junior, Rin Nanakura, a talented actress in the drama club, takes it upon herself to fulfill his wish by orchestrating a harem of devoted girls around him.
While these girls show Eiji affectionately, Rin’s genuine feelings shine through her various roles. As Rin’s charming performances continue to enchant Eiji, the question remains: will he ever realize the true identity of his secret admirer?
Today, the official website and social media channels for the upcoming Giji Harem anime series revealed exciting details. The romantic comedy is set to debut on Japanese television starting July 4 at 24:30 JST.
Alongside this announcement, fans were treated to a new trailer, an attractive key visual, and the introduction of four additional cast members. Furthermore, viewers were given a sneak peek of the ending theme song “Ad-lib” by Saori Hayami, featured in the latest trailer.
Helmed by director Toshihiro Kikuchi and produced by studio Nomad, Giji Harem promises to deliver a delightful blend of romance and comedy. Yuko Kakihara expertly crafts the series composition, while Yoshihisa Sato brings character designs to life. Elevating the narrative further is the enchanting musical score by Takeshi Watanabe.
Several new additions are joining the talented cast led by Nobuhiko Okamoto and Saori Hayami. Junichi Suwabe voices Motokuni Nakayama, the charismatic leader of the drama club. Koji Yusa lends his voice to Tsuguto Iwata, the scriptwriter for the drama club and Eiji’s classmate.
Maria Abo takes on the role of Megu, Rin’s classmate, while Minako Sato portrays Kiri Shirasawa, a newcomer to the drama club who harbors admiration for Rin.