Well, what a Foundation Season 2 Ending that was. Despite being shorter than some of the episodes that would recently have, the last episode of Season 2 felt like so much more happened. Concluding every arc that we saw being developed over the course of this season and providing deaths, deaths, and yeah, more deaths.
I thought Foundation Season 2 Episode 10 was a phenomenal episode of the show, the best one yet. It was the perfect way to close off the season, and we saw a resolution being made to each of the arcs whilst also setting up the next season, leaving a lot of mystery for when it does return.
I love the fact that we’re going to be 150 years in the future because it means that so much could have changed. However, I picture the reality as not that much is actually going to change under the Clonic dynasty, which will be great to see because it will show that things need to change to progress.
Let’s recap, do a Foundation Season 2 Ending Explained and breakdown & explain all that there was to take away from the season finale. And with so much happening, the best way to approach this is to break down every character that had a large impact in the finale.
Here is the Foundation Season 2 Ending Explained:
Foundation Season 2 Ending
Demerzel’s story in this season finale was the most gripping piece that she’d been involved in dating, and I thought learning about her origin would be the most interesting part. However, within this last episode, we saw that she was notified about Brother Dusk and Enjoiner Rue being trapped in the chamber, which was the reason why she left Brother Day at the end of the previous episode.

It was during this scene that we saw the outright conflict that she had in her mind. The understanding that she was just as trapped as what she was when she was not whole.
Several 100 years ago, when she was trapped in pieces, she was trapped in the physical sense. But now, despite being complete, she’s trapped in a mental sense due to the programming that Cleon puts inside of her. She doesn’t know if her feelings are truly hers, and that must be torture.
It’s clear to see that she cares for Brother Dawn, Day, and Dusk, but the programming that’s inside of her is telling her that she has to kill them. These iterations of them were threats to preserving the Clonic dynasty.
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It was during this scene as well that we found out that it was herself who hired the blind angels to take out Day. And I’m going to take a win for that one, as I did predict it. I’ll take it because I threw a theory out there about Josiah being the mule, but that was proved wrong.
Anyway, Darmerzel hired the Angel so that she could frame Queen Sareth for the murder and have it pinned to Cloud Dominion, ultimately preventing Day from marrying her once he found out, which would allow the clonic rein to continue. Something that we saw taking place as Sareth was captured by Darmerzel later on in the episode.
Darmerzel didn’t want to kill Dusk and Rue but reluctantly did after embracing a hug with Dusk. As tears strode her face, we saw her programming take over, and she killed them where they stood, in the very chamber that she had been trapped in for thousands of years.

Darmerzel Decanting New Dawn, Day And Dusk
We didn’t see much more from Darmerzel until it came to the end of the episode, and it was during this moment that we saw that she was decanting a new Dawn, Day, and Dusk, something which she’d never had to do before.
But what was the most interesting about this was the fact that she had the prime radiant that Seldon gave Day when they left the vault on Terminus, so she must have snuck it out with her, so she wanted it for herself.
We saw that she couldn’t understand it completely, but what was interesting was the line where she said, “I can already see that wonderful thing lie ahead.” This, to me, ties into the conflict that’s inside of her programming.
Is it “wonderful things” in the sense that she sees that the dynasty will be destroyed and she may find her way to the freedom that she so desires? Or does she mean in terms of the Clonic dynasty and that it’s looking like it may be going on for several hundreds of years still?
It’s up for interpretation, but knowing how she truly feels based on what we saw when she was in the chamber with Dusk, I think her eventual freedom could well be on the cards. The radiant gives her an added layer of power, as she’ll be the only one who can understand it.
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Sareth And Dawn
With Sareth being framed for the hiring of the blind angels, it looked like she was going to be trialed for treason, which came with the punishment of death. Dawn managed to intervene once he saw Darmerzel taking her away. It was here where he saw that Darmerzel had the mark of green upon her neck, something which Dusk said to him, which symbolized a traitor.
So he knew that dusk would have planted it on her for him to see. This made him realize that he needed to flee Transcor if he wanted to survive. Dawn and Sareth manage to get away on a ship due to Sareth’s servants using a face scrambler to appear as them and get them to confirm that they were going to marry one another following Day’s death.

We also saw that Sareth was pregnant with Dawn’s baby. This is something that might not seem important now, seeing as though they’re fleeing Trantor. But with there being 2 Dawns that exist at one time and Sareth holding the heir to the throne, all be it not the Clonic dynasty, this could prove to be a threat in the future.
When the show comes back, it will be 150 years in the future, most likely. So, I do wonder what that will mean for the rivalry that could be present. Could their child be the mule? It’s definitely not worth ruling out.
Brother Constant
With Brother Constant going free from the ship that exploded. We saw that as her oxygen was at the point of running out, she stumbled across the vault, which was now essentially floating around in outer space.
Upon the vault, we saw that Poly had survived, Seldon had survived, and the entirety of Terminus had survived. The line “terminus needed to be sacrificed so the foundation would survive” was one that hit hard. It showed that the power of the Foundation living beyond the planet is worth its weight when it comes to the belief that people need and future recruitment.
There were so many people on board the vault, and we got to look at what it was truly capable of in terms of its size. So we know that all of Terminus managed to survive, even Constant’s father.

Foundation Season 2 Ending Explained
The final thing that we saw at the end of Founder Season 2 was 152 years later. We saw the Mule on his knees, talking and stating that he knew that Gaal was now present in his timeline and that he needed to find her and destroy her before she found him, even if it meant burning everything.
I got the impression that he was speaking to somebody who was in front of him, especially as he said, “She’s here in our time.” It makes me wonder who it could be that’s in front of him.
Could it be an iteration of Tellem? Could it be Sareth’s child, who has the potential of being a kind of mutant child due to its biological makeup? Or is there a mentalist who drifted along the way whilst Gaal and Harry were in cryosleep?
It’s one that we’ll have to wait a long time for, but it’s something that I can’t wait to see unfold. It has to be the main thing in Foundation Season 3, right?
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