Donald Sutherland was a famous actor with a long career. People know him for movies like MAS*H and The Hunger Games. But there’s one villainous role many forgot about. He played Richard Straker in the 2004 miniseries Salem’s Lot. This was based on a scary vampire story by Stephen King.
If you haven’t read the book, you should! The story takes place in a small town called Jerusalem’s Lot. Author Ben Mears goes back there to get ideas for a new book.
He also wants to face his childhood fears about a haunted house. But someone else rents the house before he can: Richard Straker. Soon, people in town start disappearing and then coming back as vampires!
What is Salem’s Lot about?
Ben teams up with his girlfriend, a teacher, a priest, and a young boy who survived a vampire attack. They try to figure out what’s going on and how to stop the main vampire.
Straker works for the main vampire, but Straker himself isn’t a vampire. He gets killed by the main vampire for not keeping the townspeople prisoner. The main vampire almost turns the whole town into vampires! Ben and his friends have to save the town and stop the vampires from spreading.

The miniseries followed the book’s story for the most part. But the best part of the miniseries was Donald Sutherland’s performance. He played Straker in a way that was very similar to the book. Straker is charming and uses his personality to make sure the main vampire has everything it needs.
Sutherland also added some extra details to Straker’s character that made him seem strange and scary. Even though Sutherland and the main vampire actor never filmed scenes together, Sutherland’s acting made it clear that they were connected.
Sutherland’s role wasn’t as big as the same role in an earlier miniseries. But he made the most of it. He used his over-the-top acting to scare not just the characters in the story but also the viewers.
This scary performance continued until Straker’s death at the end. The way Straker died was similar to a scene in a different movie where Donald Sutherland also played a villain!