The release of episodes 1 to 4 of the BTS-inspired K-drama “Begins ≠ Youth”, based on BTS’s album series “The Most Beautiful Moment in Life” (Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa or HYYH), on the Xclusive platform has left fans expressing disappointment over limited access and missed potential for broader viewership.
Unlike traditional K-dramas that air on broadcasting stations or popular OTT platforms like Netflix, “Begins ≠ Youth” debuted exclusively on Xclusive, marking the platform’s first drama series launch. However, this decision drew initial backlash from fans who likened Xclusive to a “pyramid scheme” and raised concerns over pricing.
Despite these reservations, those who did access “Begins ≠ Youth” were pleasantly surprised by its quality. Fans praised the drama for its talented actors and compelling plot execution. However, the exclusive release on Xclusive significantly limited its reach, resulting in minimal attention and accessibility for most viewers.

Fans lamented the missed opportunity for broader exposure on mainstream platforms like Netflix or Disney+, with some expressing disappointment at HYBE’s (formerly Big Hit Entertainment) choice to release the series on Xclusive. The decision to forgo wider distribution channels was viewed as a misstep, impacting the drama’s visibility and the recognition of its talented cast.
“HYBE fumbled so bad,” remarked a fan, echoing sentiments of frustration over the platform choice. Others highlighted the unfortunate consequence of the drama’s limited availability, with actors in “Begins ≠ Youth” missing out on well-deserved recognition and attention.

As episodes 5 to 8 and 9 to 12 of “Begins ≠ Youth” are set for release on May 7th and 14th, respectively, fans continue to hope for broader accessibility and increased visibility for the drama beyond the confines of the Xclusive platform.
The series’ potential remains overshadowed by its exclusive distribution, highlighting the complexities of content delivery in the evolving industry of K-drama production and distribution.