Tomoko Yamashita’s acclaimed manga, “Ikoku Nikki” (Diary of a Strange Land). Pony Canyon announced the adaptation alongside a teaser promotional video and visual, revealing the talented team set to bring the beloved story to screens.
Directed by Miyuki Oshiro and produced by Shuka, the anime follows the lives of 35-year-old novelist Makio Kōdai and her 15-year-old niece Asa, who find themselves living together after a sudden impulse decision by Makio.
Viewers can expect a touching theme of family, grief, and the unexpected bonds that form in the face of adversity.
The manga, which ended its run in June 2023, received widespread acclaim for its poignant storytelling and relatable characters.
Now, with a live-action film adaptation also on the horizon, “Ikoku Nikki” continues to charm audiences with its heartfelt narrative and universal themes of love and loss. Get ready to be swept away by this touching tale when the anime premieres.