Doctor Elise episode 12 is scheduled to premiere on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 9:30 PM JST, as announced on the series’ official website. With Elise now a target of political assassination, fans are anxiously awaiting to discover the fate of the titular doctor in the upcoming installment.
Unfortunately, no verifiable spoiler information is available for Doctor Elise episode 12 at the time of this article’s writing, which is typical for the series.
However, despite the lack of spoilers, fans can take comfort in having a confirmed release date and time for this highly-anticipated episode.
As fans eagerly await the release, they can stay updated on all available information regarding Doctor Elise episode 12 and more by following along with this article.
What To Expect?
In Doctor Elise episode 11, the narrative opens with the grand Order of the Imperial Rose ceremony, where Elise is honored in the presence of Prince Linden. The event took a dramatic turn when King Minchester bestowed upon Elise the title of knight.

However, the celebration swiftly soured when Linden inadvertently caused his father’s collapse by fetching him another drink, resulting in a harrowing scene of the King clutching his chest and coughing up blood.
Elise sprang into action, urgently summoning Viscount Ven while diagnosing the King with a heart attack due to his absence of a pulse. Collaborating with Ven, they went on a race against time to save the King’s life, ultimately succeeding.
Despite their efforts, the King’s condition remained precarious, necessitating his transfer to a hospital amidst mounting suspicions of foul play.
Rumors began to swirl, implicating Linden in the poisoning incident, much to Elise’s dismay. Despite her assurances to the contrary, doubts persisted among the nobles, fueled by Prince Mikhail’s ominous insinuations of Linden’s impending guilt.
Meanwhile, clandestine machinations were underway within the nobles’ faction, casting a shadow of uncertainty over Linden’s fate.

In a moment of frustration, Elise grappled with her inability to ascertain the true cause of the King’s illness, seeking solace in a brief respite before visiting Linden to provide him with updates on the situation.
However, the episode concluded with a shocking ambush on Elise by members of the noble faction, leaving her fate hanging in the balance.
As Doctor Elise episode 12 commences, viewers can anticipate an immediate clarification of Elise’s condition following the attack. It is highly plausible that Sir Vent, acting upon the King’s instructions and concern for Elise’s safety, will intervene to rescue her from harm’s way.
With Sir Vent’s intervention, the episode may witness a pivotal moment where he finally acknowledges Elise’s capabilities as a doctor and implores her to join him in tending to the King’s ailing health. As preparations for her departure are made, including the summoning of a carriage, Elise may seize the opportunity to flee and ensure her survival.
The subsequent events of the episode are likely to revolve around Elise’s efforts to uncover the true nature of the King’s affliction and administer the necessary treatment.
Through her astute diagnosis and skillful medical intervention, Elise may succeed in not only saving the King’s life but also vindicating Linden of any wrongdoing.
Release Date and Time
Doctor Elise episode 12 is scheduled to premiere on local Japanese networks at 9:30 PM JST on Wednesday, March 27, 2024. For international fans, the release time will vary depending on their region and timezone.
While some fans may have access to the episode early on Thursday morning local time, the majority will have the opportunity to watch it during the day on Wednesday, aligning with the Japanese release schedule.
Here are the anticipated release times for episode 12 in various time zones:
- Pacific Daylight Time: 5:30 AM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Eastern Daylight Time: 8:30 AM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Greenwich Mean Time: 12:30 PM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Central European Time: 1:30 PM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Indian Standard Time: 6:00 PM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Philippine Standard Time: 8:30 PM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Japanese Standard Time: 9:30 PM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024
- Australia Central Standard Time: 11:00 PM, Wednesday, March 27, 2024