God gifted Adam and Eve with innocence. Thus, they were not ashamed to be naked in the beginning. There was no violence and shame.
God allowed them to eat fruits from any tree except one. Several texts come up with various theories for that written in the Bible. Thus, it finally depends on us whom we believe.
A serpent lured Eve into eating the forbidden fruit to know good and evil and be like God. Eve had the fruit and gave some to Adam. After that, they began feeling ashamed of their nakedness and covered their private body parts with fig leaves.
No scriptures mention whether Adam was present with Eve when she talked to the serpent or took the forbidden fruit, though she gave him some. Some people believe some events happened after the serpent lured Eve and before Adam ate some fruit.
God punished the three for disobeying him and provided them with clothes made up of human skin. Finally, he removed them from the garden and placed supernatural guards at the entrance. The Quranic version states God sent Adam and Eve to the Earth.
However, God, known for being merciful, offered them eternal guidance if they followed him instead of Satan.

Did Eve Cheat On Adam?
According to the Bible, Eve never cheated on Adam and had a sexual relationship only with him. Some people accuse Eve of cheating on Adam with Jehovah, but the Bible does not mention that. Instead, Jehovah is the supreme God, the creator of the world, and the father of Jesus Christ, according to Judaism.
Jehovah’s name was considered so sacred that it was never written or spoken. So, there was no reason for him to impregnate someone. Instead, he intended Adam and Eve to have intercourse and populate the world.
Moreover, the Virgin Mary conceived miraculously without having any intercourse before giving birth to Jesus Christ. A person did not hesitate to challenge the Bible and mention his own theory, which claims Satan came in the form of a serpent and lured Eve to have intercourse with him.
Thus, Eve must have given birth to an evil human through Satan and a good one through Adam. However, we cannot trust this theory because the Bible does not mention her intercourse with anyone except Adam.
People question whether Adam loved Eve. In that case, we can assume that he loved her even more than the almighty Jehovah because he ate the fruit offered by her, though Jehovah prohibited them from eating it. He placed her before God. Thus, they became mortal and returned to the dust from where they were born.
How Did The World Populate?
Amateur Bible readers only know that Adam and Eve had only two sons, Cain and Abel. Genesis 5 states that the couple had several children but does not mention the exact number. Adam lived for 930 years and kept having children till then.
According to an ancient Jewish apocryphal text called the Book of Jubilees, Cain married his sister Awan. However, the Bible does not state that he married his sister. So, his wife could be his niece rather than a direct sibling.
Marrying a brother or sister was not incest in the beginning. God later prohibited doing so, according to the Book of Leviticus. Meanwhile, the Bible has other examples of intermarriages, such as one between Abraham and his half-sister Sarah and another between Jochabed and her brother’s son, Amram.
Initially, intermarriages did not introduce degenerative defects because God did not introduce any in Adam and Eve while creating them. Instead, degenerative defects came with the arrival of sins. In the case of incest, the scriptures do not contain text regarding Adam and Eve marrying their children.
Adam And Eve Became Mortal
Adam and Eve became mortal after eating the forbidden fruit, though the Bible does not mention what fruit it was. Thus, the duo and their children experienced sickness, pain, and physical death.

Adam and Eve did not die the day they ate the forbidden fruit, but their death process began. Otherwise, they would have lived eternally only by eating the fruit from the tree of life. The couple lived perfectly before eating the forbidden fruit.
According to the Bible, Adam lived for 930 years, but Eve’s age is unknown. Her death was not recorded in the Bible, which also does not mention who died first.
One day of God means a thousand years for humans. It is said Adam and Eve died of natural causes and old age and passed on sins, imperfection, old age, sickness, and mortality to humankind after disobeying God.