The popular manga My Hero Academia just released spoilers for its upcoming 413th chapter. Fans were eagerly waiting to see what would happen after the dramatic events at the end of the last chapter.
In the previous chapter, the character Deku was hurt badly using his powers but kept trying to save the villain Shigaraki, even though Shigaraki told him to stop. Then Deku’s predecessor hero Star and Stripe showed up in spirit form and caused Deku’s mentor Kudo to tell Deku he should give up his superpower One for All.
The new spoilers reveal what happens next after Kudo’s surprising statement. The full translated chapter 413 will be released this coming Monday online. It comes out officially in Japan on Mondays at midnight there, which is Sunday morning in the Americas.

The spoilers show whether Deku agrees to give up his powers or not, and how the other characters react to this tense situation. Fans are excited to read the full chapter and see the aftermath of the cliffhanger ending of chapter 412.
Shigaraki’s Mental Wound in My Hero Academia’s Latest Chapter
In the latest My Hero Academia chapter, the character Star and Stripe’s spirit wonders if her mission to defeat the villain Shigaraki is what she was meant to do.

Meanwhile, Deku’s mentor Kudo uses a metaphor to explain to Deku that in the past, Shigaraki’s anger and frustration were shapeless like a lump of lead. But now his hatred has solidified and formed into a concrete structure.
However, the spirit of the hero All Might notices a crack in this structure. The crack represents the mental wound Shigaraki got when fighting Star and Stripe. It’s a crack in his conscience that can’t be physically healed.

Since Shigaraki is too powerful to defeat in a fight currently, All Might’s spirit says they must try to defeat him mentally from the inside. They need to attack the crack in his conscience and psyche rather than his physical body.
The full chapter likely explores whether Deku will keep trying to save Shigaraki or take All Might’s advice to defeat him mentally. Fans are intrigued to see how this metaphorical “crack” in the villain’s mind will play into the story going forward.
The Intriguing Debate Among Vestiges
In the latest, My Hero Academia chapter, the vestige All Might suggests they can defeat Shigaraki mentally by “overflowing his chalice.” This metaphor means transferring Deku’s power One for All to Shigaraki to widen the crack in his mind. Then the vestiges could directly impact Shigaraki’s consciousness.

However, the vestige Nana disagrees with the plan. She fears it will only make Shigaraki stronger, just like when he absorbed another power called Danger Sense before.
But All Might says rather than gently passing on the power, they should overwhelm Shigaraki by forcefully throwing One for All at him. All Might volunteers to be the first vestige transferred over to test the theory.

Nana still disagrees and offers to go first instead since her Smokescreen power is currently the least effective. She doesn’t want Shigaraki to get a powerful ability like Deku’s Gear Shift.
But All Might says if Shigaraki uses Gear Shift after getting it, he’ll feel all the accumulated recoil from every time Deku used it too. This backlash could help crack Shigaraki mentally.

Fans are intrigued by this debate among the vestiges and the idea of forcefully transferring One for All to overwhelm the villain Shigaraki mentally. They eagerly await the full chapter to see if this dangerous plan is attempted.
Deku’s Shocking Decision and the Ominous Conclusion
In the latest My Hero Academia chapter, the vestige Bruce says he’ll follow Deku’s mentor Kudo but doesn’t agree with the plan to transfer One for All to Shigaraki. Kudo admits it is risky.

The vestige Nana realizes Deku cherishes One for All since he got it from his favorite hero. So Deku doesn’t want to give it up. Kudo asks the vestige Banjo to stay with Deku and leaves the rest to the vestige Yoichi.
When Kudo asks Deku for consent, Deku reluctantly agrees to give up One For All. Deku then uses his Blackwhip power to reinforce himself and rips off Shigaraki’s arm.

The chapter ends with Shigaraki saying the same words he said back in the Dark Hero arc: “Looking at you, I’d never guess you’re a hero.”
Fans are shocked Deku agreed to this dangerous plan and that he violently ripped off Shigaraki’s arm. The villain’s chilling final words leave things on an ominous note. Fans eagerly await the next chapter to see the fallout of Deku’s actions and the vestiges’ risky gambit.