Today, we’re going to revisit how a few years back, a funny joke made on social media made someone who had everything going for them ruin their career and reputation. We’re talking about Colin Moriarty, the co-founder of “Kinda Funny” who had to quit after making a sexist remark at the wrong moment.
The man made a joke that could be interpreted as sexist right in the middle of International Women’s Day back in 2017. The performer and comedian is widely known for his stance on right-wing issues, and he’s very accustomed to not being politically correct.
So, when he decided to let out a remark that was poorly timed, that completely triggered those sympathetic towards women’s empowerment, and then politically correct police went after him, causing him to separate from the group he created. So, how did that unfold? Let’s put that under the microscope and find out what went wrong there.

Colin Moriarty Controversy Explained
Moriarty wrote a tweet back in its day on the now Elon Musk-owned-platform Twitter that International Women’s Day should be “A Day Without a Woman”. He tried to humorously suggest that without any women, there wouldn’t be any people.
That tweet was met with severe backlash; he had to quit “Kinda Funny” a project he co-created and brought to the spotlight, and was deemed a misogynist for it. Now, the people who made a fuss about it were mostly women gamers, a niche to which Moriarty usually caters.
Moriarty has oftentimes explained that he quit his job at Kinda Funny because that controversy was sort of the “final straw” in a series of issues. Nowadays, humor is being policed by the politically correct, and humor, which is the last resort for free speech, is under fire.
And Moriarty had the short end of the stick. When asked about it, even years after the fact, describe how hostile people have become, especially after Gamergate.
Moreover, liberals within the gaming industry don’t care for Moriarty’s political views at all because he’s a conservative. The tweet, albeit controversial, wasn’t meant to be offensive. Look at how Burger King did when they posted that “Women belong in the kitchen” and how that boosted their sales.
But for Moriarty, that simply wasn’t the case because cancel culture will go at great lengths to shun, ostracize, deplatform, censor, and ruin people’s lives for having “the wrong opinion”.
Liberals In Gaming Are A Problem
It’s been years since this has happened. The echo chamber phenomenon, particularly in the gaming industry makes non-liberal, and dissenting opinions verboten, forbidden, not allowed, and that made him a target from the get-go.
Now, the reinforced liberal thinking within the gaming industry, that goes to such orthodoxy that makes the political commissars from the USSR look like angels makes people adhere to a certain set of rules as they wish to be a part of it. That’s not free speech, and that’s certainly not Moriarty’s cup of tea.

Thought police Unleashed
George Orwell, in his masterpiece dystopic novel 1984, described the thought as a group of people that went after individuals to chastise them for not having the groupthink necessary to push forward a revolutionary political agenda.
Gamers just want to be left alone. This extrapolates to all sorts of things; just look at how Twitter —before it was “X”— was so keen on shutting down people for not sharing the same corpus of ideas that the liberals within the board of directors had.
You can’t have nuanced opinions on the current issues affecting society without being afraid of losing it all. Crafting a compactful, and meaningful tweet could mean that your life is over.
Expressing displeasure with current events, with discontent, is a right within the United States legal framework, and advocating for censorship isn’t something on which the United States is based. It is frankly un-American. Nowadays, people should be allowed to make mistakes and exercise their free speech without being afraid of losing their means of sustenance.
Comedy suffers from political correctness, gaming suffers from political correctness, and this is a trend, a dangerous one that puts risks and targets on everyone who has a social media account.