“Chained Soldier,” the acclaimed manga series by Takahiro and Yohei Takemura, has announced a one-month hiatus, leaving fans eager for updates. This unexpected pause has sparked discussions within the manga community, as readers anticipate the continuation of the story.
The series, known for its compelling narrative and dynamic characters, has garnered a dedicated fanbase. The announcement of a hiatus has raised questions about the production schedule and the future direction of the series.
Manga Overview
“Chained Soldier” began serialization on Shueisha’s Shōnen Jump+ online platform on January 5, 2019. As of December 4, 2024, 17 volumes have been released. The manga has been licensed for English release in North America by Yen Press.
The narrative is set in a world where gates to another dimension, known as “Mato,” open across Japan, unleashing monsters called “Shuuki.” A special resource called “Peach” grants supernatural powers to women, leading to a matriarchal society. The story follows Yuuki Wakura, who becomes involved with Kyouka Uzen, the commander of the 7th squad of the Demon Defense Force.
In March 2024, it was revealed that “Chained Soldier” would be returning for a second season. A teaser video and visual featuring Ren Yamashiro were, generating excitement among fans. However, in July 2024, producer Yuki Watanabe announced a change in the production studio for the upcoming season. Studio Passione will take over from Studio Seven Arcs, leading to mixed reactions from the fanbase.
The transition to Studio Passione has elicited a divided response. Some fans are optimistic about the new studio’s approach, while others express concerns about potential changes in animation style and tone.
A special event is scheduled for July 20, 2024, featuring key cast members, including Yuya Hirose (Yuki), Akari Kito (Kyoka), and Yume Miyamoto (Himari). This event is expected to provide further insights into the upcoming season and the studio transition.
As “Chained Soldier” enters its one-month hiatus, fans are left with mixed emotions. The series’ return for a second season, coupled with the studio change, has created a blend of anticipation and uncertainty. The upcoming special event may offer clarity and direction for the future of the series.