Historical events intertwined with the fantastical ideation of anime can create a compelling blend, as seen in Netflix’s Castlevania: Nocturne, written by Clive Bradley. The series merges vampire lore with the backdrop of the French Revolution, which began in 1789, offering anime fans an intriguing storyline.
The first season of Castlevania: Nocturne captured the core of the French Revolution, but the inclusion of the Haiti Revolution truly caught the attention of the creators.
This historical event is portrayed through the character of Annette, an Afro-Caribbean slave who also happens to be a descendant of the magical Orishas and is a witch.
Sam Deats, the co-director of Castlevania: Nocturne, expressed excitement about adapting the Haitian Revolution alongside Annette’s character development. In an interview, Deats discussed the impact of historical elements on the supporting characters and how they were integrated into the story.
He highlighted the fun the team had, drawing parallels between Annette’s magical powers and the historical events of the Haitian Revolution.
The narrative of the series primarily revolves around the town of Machecoul, a French commune and hometown of the Renards. Although the depiction of Machecoul in the series isn’t entirely accurate, it has opened new plotlines for the Castlevania story.
The series also adds fantasy elements that enrich the portrayal of French architecture. The city is known for the tragic event called the First Massacre of Machecoul, which the series may likely adapt into the storyline, possibly in its second season, currently in production.