The Boruto series has introduced fans to the enigmatic Karma seal, a power wielded by the Ōtsutsuki clan, sparking unease and concern within the protagonist. For Boruto, the Karma seal symbolizes a deep-seated fear, likely stemming from a personal and distressing experience.
This experience draws striking parallels to the iconic “Jiraiya moment” from the original Naruto: Shippuden storyline, where a beloved character faced a harrowing ordeal.
In Boruto: Two Blue Vortex, Uzumaki Boruto’s perception of the Karma seal has notably shifted. Once casual or even curious about it, he now harbors a profound sense of fear and dread when its power is activated.
Boruto’s Anxiety about Karma
This transformation becomes evident in chapter 9 of the manga series during Boruto’s confrontation with Kawaki. As their Karma marks resonate, Boruto’s companion frog warns him to distance himself from Kawaki to avoid losing control. Boruto promptly retreats from the battle, clearly apprehensive about his ability to maintain control.
This significant behavioral shift suggests a major event during the time skip period that severely shook Boruto’s confidence and trust in his own abilities to handle the Karma seal’s power.
During Sasuke’s captivity and transformation into a Shinju clone, Boruto may have found himself confronting adversaries alone. In a desperate moment, he may have unleashed the seal’s full power, inadvertently causing harm or even ending an innocent life. This traumatic experience would have left an indelible emotional scar, causing Boruto to perceive the Karma seal as a perilous and uncontrollable force.
This potential trauma mirrors Naruto’s experience during the “Jiraiya moment” in Naruto: Shippuden. Under Jiraiya’s mentorship, Naruto struggled to control the Nine-Tailed Fox’s chakra, nearly killing Jiraiya in the process. This event served as a stark warning about the dangers of wielding power without discipline.
Similarly, Boruto may have faced a terrifying experience due to his Karma seal, leading to unforeseen destruction and personal turmoil. His current apprehension toward the Karma seal likely stems from this traumatic event, serving as a reminder of the consequences of untamed power.
In the latest series, Boruto’s newfound fear and reluctance to use the Karma seal highlight his journey toward understanding the balance between power and responsibility.
Like Naruto before him, Boruto’s experiences will shape him into the hero the Naruto universe needs, emphasizing the importance of wisdom, self-control, and understanding one’s limits in the face of extraordinary abilities.