Blue Box, is a manga series written and illustrated by Japanese artist Kōji Miura. The first chapter of the manga was released on April 11, 2021, and made fans around the world with every chapter released. The release date, of Blue Box Chapter 73 is just announced, and fans around the world are really excited to know, what will happen, in the upcoming chapter.
Blue Box is considered to be one of the new coming finest multigenre manga. We witness the romantic comedy between Taiki Inomata and Chinatsu Kano. Both of our protagonists are athletes, with the former being on the boys’ badminton team and later the girls’ basketball team.
About a year ago, all sports practices were canceled, and the girl’s basketball team had just undergone a devastating loss in their final game of middle school. No one was supposed to be in the school gym, so, Taiki, saw it, as a good opportunity, as to get some practice in, he seemingly had the whole place to himself, all except for Chinatsu.
After losing and being humiliated in her last chance to go to middle school nationals, Chinatsu was still there after every teammate had gone to wallow in their defeat, Chinatsu stayed in that gymnasium the entire time, even at her lowest time, Chinatsu had that persistent aura, that preserves, in the face of failure, and this is why, Taiki, fell for her.
This unwavering passion inspires Taiki, to put in the work, and to reach his own goals, the same as her. On top of that, these two are constantly trying to amplify each other to want to go to the nationals, even though they are not in the same sports, they constantly cheering each other on, kind of like rivals, trying to improve themselves, and romance is being used, alongside this, with the rivalry.
If you love the sports or romance genre, you are gonna love the series, as it so beautifully binds these two genres that no other manga series ever does. One of the most entertaining and fun to watch parts, of this manga, is, it mixes the typical rival with romance. The structure of the manga deserves special appreciation, it’s very cute and very beautiful, and it’s something, that has so much potential because the series is based on sports, and it is supposed to focus on character development.
Previously in Blue Box Chapter 72
As we already know, all the teammates of Taiki, and Chinatsu, are out of town for training. After enjoying a whole day, the group decides to play a game called King’s Game, basically a card game with the dare written on it. After multiple rounds, when Taiki’s turn comes, the card he chooses says that he has to shout his feelings to the one he loves.
Taiki, ignores the card, saying that he loves his parents, but everyone forces him to, shout about his feelings, for his romantic love. The moment he tries to say someone’s name, Inota, shouts Yusa’s name and says that the one Taiki loves is Yusa because he was muttering Yusa’s name while sleeping beside him on the bus.
The same night, Taiki thinks that his feelings about, Chinatsu haven’t changed, but with Hina, there have been times, when they have gotten along as friends.
The next morning, after a hard practice session, they had lunch. After which, when Taiki was leaving, Chinatsu grabbed his shirt from the back, and asked him about his injury, which he got, when he fell down accidentally. Then Chinatsu, puts an adhesive, on his injured elbow, which she brought with her. After applying an adhesive, on his elbow, Chinatsu puts out a pen, and writes “Fight”, on his adhesive, to encourage him, and then she leaves.
When Is the Blue Box Chapter 73 Release Date?
Ever since the possibility arose that Taiki will finally confess his feelings to Chinatsu and their relationship could finally get the boost it deserves, fans around the world, are really excited to read Blue Box Chapter 73.
According to the officials, the 73rd Chapter of the manga Blue Box is scheduled to release on Monday, October 17, 2022.
Where To Read Blue Box Chapter 73
You can read Blue Box Chapter 73, easily on the official digital edition distributor site, Viz Media.
As of now, Viz is the only site where you can read the manga Blue Box Chapter 73 officially, You can read the first three and last three chapters, of the manga on Viz, for free of cost, but you have to pay for the rest. We, at OtakuKart, strongly recommend you, read the manga, only on the official websites of the distributors, which will make your contribution, to support the mangaka, so that, they can provide us, with amazing plots and artworks.
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