The 2020 paranormal horror film Anything For Jackson, available on Shudder, leaves audiences with numerous unresolved questions regarding Jackson, the Walsh family, and the devil’s involvement. The movie opens with a tale of an elderly couple desperately seeking a way to bring back their grandson, but the plot soon veers into dark, demonic territory. Though the film begins as a typical story of spirit transference, it evolves into a sinister exploration of demonic forces seeking a vessel to inhabit.
At its core, Anything For Jackson tells the story of Audrey (Sheila McCarthy) and Henry (Julian Richings), an elderly couple mourning the tragic death of their grandson Jackson. He was killed in a car accident that also left his mother permanently wheelchair-bound. Unable to move past their grief, they decide to perform a satanic ritual in a desperate attempt to bring Jackson back to life. However, instead of a simple spirit transfer, their ritual opens the door to something much darker. They aim to use the fetus of Shannon, a kidnapped pregnant woman, as the vessel for Jackson’s soul. But when the ritual isn’t completed, the Walsh home becomes infested with malevolent spirits. This leads to a disturbing and horrific series of events, involving Jackson’s fate, the unborn baby’s future, and the devil’s return to Earth.
Anything for Jackson Ending Explained
Jackson’s fate remains mysterious throughout the film, especially in the haunting final scenes. When Shannon is first brought to the Walsh house, she sees the ghostly image of a small blonde toddler with a bloody hole in his head, a tragic reminder of his death. Though it’s explained that Jackson died in the car crash, what happens to his soul afterward remains unclear. After Shannon manages to escape the house, she looks out the window and witnesses Jackson being pulled away by an unseen force. Initially, Jackson seemed to be a potential candidate for possession, his spirit eager to find a new mother in Shannon. However, as he gazes at her with a mix of fear and sorrow, the situation grows more enigmatic.
Audrey and Henry meet a tragic end while attempting to resurrect Jackson. During the ritual, their fellow cult member Ian opens a portal that summons the devil to Earth. As the ritual progresses, it’s implied that Jackson may have been taken by the devil, as his body is shown enveloped by white arms, reminiscent of the demonic creatures. Another possibility is that the spirit of Jackson’s mother or the Walshs’ protective influence saved him from the demonic forces. Regardless, it’s clear that Jackson was not transferred into Shannon’s unborn child. He likely remains a restless spirit, unable to reunite with those who loved him in life.
How the Walsh Family Became Vessels for the Devil
Henry’s personal grief and emotional fragility make him the ideal vessel for the devil. While Ian, a member of the satanic cult, performs the ritual to summon the devil, the process of possession is rather convoluted. Audrey, who is initially the focus of the ritual, begins to exhibit signs of demonic possession when her back contorts unnaturally. Ian, during the ritual, explains that anyone, regardless of age, can be possessed, suggesting that Audrey, being a mother and emotionally vulnerable, is the perfect candidate for possession.
However, Audrey’s possession doesn’t last long. She is fatally wounded by Ian, which causes the devil to shift its focus onto Henry. As Henry succumbs to possession, his body twists and contorts as the devil emerges, marking its return to Earth. This scene, which plays out over five minutes, is confusing and difficult to follow. It suggests that the devil first possessed Audrey, but once her blood merges with Henry’s during her death, the devil takes over his body instead. The transition of possession serves to distinguish the couple’s contrasting motivations for the ritual. Audrey wanted to bring Jackson back, while Henry was driven by a desperate love for Audrey. Once she died, leaving him empty and broken, his soul was weakened and vulnerable to demonic possession.
Shannon’s Final Encounter: The Demon’s Last Act
In the final moments of Anything For Jackson, Shannon drives away from the Walsh home, spotting a grotesque human-demon hybrid crossing the road. This unsettling creature’s gaze heightens unease as it moves toward the woods. Shannon clutches her belly, suggesting her unborn child remains unharmed by the demonic forces that ravaged the house.
The figure is the devil, now free from needing a host after emerging through Henry’s flesh. Director Justin G. Dyck left the ending open to interpretation, though it’s clear Jackson didn’t find a new vessel. His fate remains linked to demonic forces, and the Walshs’ ritual ultimately failed, unleashing the devil’s unrestrained influence.
The Underlying Theme of Anything For Jackson
The core message of Anything For Jackson mirrors a common theme seen in films about cults and occult rituals: be careful what you wish for. While Audrey and Henry’s desire to bring back their grandson stems from a place of grief and love, their actions reveal the dangers of seeking pacts with demonic forces for personal gain. Much like other films dealing with the supernatural, the movie explores the folly of trying to cheat fate. The couple’s misguided attempt to bring Jackson back leads them down a dark, dangerous path, one where their actions only summon greater evil. Though the film’s thematic exploration may not be as deep as it initially seems, it serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of tampering with forces beyond human comprehension.
A Mixed Ending
Anything For Jackson was well-received and praised for its innovative approach to demonic possession. It earned a 97% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes, though the audience score was notably lower at 69%. Critics highlighted its strong cast and unsettling tone.
However, the ending drew mixed reactions, with many finding it less compelling than the film’s chilling buildup. Despite this, the movie’s general success and reputation as a standout 2020 horror remain intact. A stronger ending could have elevated it to cult classic status, yet its unique horror elements still delighted audiences.