As we saw in the previous chapter, everyone appears to be sick of someone’s antics. They ask if this individual is always like this and show concern for Alya, who seems to be finding it difficult to deal with them. There seems to be a lot of pressure in the air.
The characters are so stressed out that they compare the situation to a cat growing a hunchback. It was a funny and carefree time that made everyone feel better. Wondering whether something was wrong, they asked Kuze-kun, one of the characters.

Kuze-kun flustered, shot back, saying that wasn’t what they had thought. Romantic comedies frequently use the cliche of discussing something called a “direct kiss event.” Together, they sip tea and converse. Kuri-kun is a lover of manga and anime and loves both based on the way he overthinks things. Let’s see when chapter 28 of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian is going to release the timings and where to read it.
“Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings” in chapter 27 differs from the main storyline to highlight the characters’ carefree and enjoyable times. The protagonists are worn out and irritated with one another’s actions at the start of the chapter.

Alya, one of the major characters, might be finding it difficult to deal with this individual because it appears like they are always a little difficult to deal with. The group of friends jokes about the stressor, acting as though the cat was growing a hunchback from all the strain. Everyone is a touch on edge because there’s a sense of pressure in the air. Speaking about it, Alya and Kuuza-kun wonder whether something is amiss.
Another character named Kuuza-kun seems to glance at Alya by mistake, which sparks a humorous exchange in which they take a tea break. A common device in romantic comedies is the “indirect kiss event.” Funny enough, Kuz-kun overthinks the scenario, demonstrating his ability to tell fact from fiction. They have fun together and savor their tea throughout the chapter. Alya receives some lighthearted taunting.
These friends care about one another, as evidenced by their upbeat and endearing demeanor. Though initially hesitant, Kuze-kun discovers that these moments of amusement and friendship represent a typical perspective on life. In the flashback, Kuze-kun talks about his participation in entering the understudy chamber. He discovered that the reason he connected the chamber was his desire to be with Sarashina Chisaki.

He utilized to battle scholastically and physically, and his life appeared to some degree sad. Be that as it may, all changed when he fell in cherish with Chisaki, one of the “Two Mind-blowing Thoughts” of that year.
To urge closer to her, he joined the understudy board. The foremost splendid perspective of Kuze-kun’s account is how it appears how individuals alter and advance when they are persuaded by adoration and acknowledgment.
He depicts how he went from being a saved, astute individual to getting to be a passionate part of the understudy government. The other characters can recognize Kuz-kun’s inspiring story since it appears that some of the time our inspirations for acting aren’t as solid as those of individual advancement.
In this chapter, they are inspired and given hope that people can change and develop by Kuze-kun’s transformation and his commitment to bettering himself for the young woman he loves.

At the end of the chapter, Kuze-kun is faced with a decision that highlights the importance of personal development and self-discovery. He is advised not to worry about his original motivations by the student council. His friends comfort him that his contributions will be valued regardless of his reasons for doing so. Kuze-kun emphasizes the concepts of self-discovery and personal growth heavily as he weighs his options and his future.
The characters in this chapter of “Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings” engage, laugh, and have a good time while straying from the main storyline. It’s a happy and nostalgic moment. Kuze-kun had a thing for a girl, so he joined the student council. Personal development is a major theme in the manga, as demonstrated by Kuze-kun’s contemplation of joining the student council during the chapter.
Release Date & Where to Read
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Chapter 28 is set to release on 10 November 2023. Let’s see the timings of Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Chapter 28 for various regions:
- India (IST): 08:30 PM on Thursday, 9 November 2023
- Japan (JST): midnight on Friday, 10 November 2023
- Korea (KST): midnight on Friday,10 November 2023
- USA (EST): 11:00 AM on Thursday, 9 November 2023
- UK (GMT): 04:00 PM on Thursday, 9 November 2023
- Philippines (PHT): 11:00 PM on Thursday, 9 November 2023
- Australia (AEST): 01:00 AM on Friday, 10 November 2023
Fans can read Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Chapter 28 Raws on Pocket Shonen Magazine.