Abandoned Movie Ending Explained is what we will focus on. Abandoned was supposed to be a horror movie full of exciting and scary moments, but it did not stand up to the expectations of people. Abandoned was directed by a freshly backed new director in town, Spencer Squire, and it was also her directorial debut in the film industry.
People expect a lot from the new directors as they bring new ideas and realistic ideas, but Spencer went with the old cliche and worn-out story with a little twist in the end. Nevertheless, Spencer Squire cast some talented actors for her film, and people went to see the film to see their beloved actors perform on the big screens.
John Gallagher Jr. played the role of Alex, who was the husband of Sara, played by Emma Roberts. Sara just gave birth to a baby boy, and her life gets more complicated when she gets diagnosed with postpartum depression.
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Abandoned Movie: Summary
The story starts when Alex decides to move to the countryside, away from the busy and traumatic life of the city, for Sara’s better mental health. He thinks that the simple life of the countryside will help Sara to be in a better position, and this will also help her to raise her Child in a better environment.
Cindy, who is their real estate agent, is helping the couple to find the best-suited house for them according to the needs they have listed. They come across this beautiful big house with a barn. Sara is still anxious about the whole shift to the countryside idea but decides not to speak about it as it might upset Alex.

Alex shows genuine liking towards the property and wants to buy it. Sara is very curious why such a beautiful and perfect house which has been on the market for so long, hasn’t been sold out. Cindy answers that question and tells her about the story of the previous owners who lived here. The girl who previously stayed with her committed suicide after killing her babies and her father.
Whoever listens to this story ends up not buying the house. But Sara says she doesn’t mind a little hunting house, and it keeps things exciting. After this, they soon move into their new house, and Sara discovers old photos and left-out things of the previous owner. She also gets to know the name of the girl who committed suicide. Her name was Anna.
Sara feels weirdly connected to her, maybe because they both resemble her a lot. The couple is greeted by their neighbor called Renner, who is a somber-looking fan, and Alex is not very pleased by his appearance. Sara, who is usually left alone with her baby boy Liam develops a keen interest in life of Alex.

She discovers some very dark secrets about the family of Anna’s father, Robert, after her mother passes away and constantly rapes his daughter. Cindy also tells Sara that Anna was not the only Child of Robert, but he also had a son who was sent to an orphanage after Anna killed everyone in her house.
She also discovers that Renner is Robert’s son, and he has been living next to the house ever since he came out of the orphanage. After this, things get scary for Sara. She sees Robert following her and also trying to drown her while she’s taking a bath with Liam.

She starts to blame her postpartum depression and borderline psychosis for all this and starts to see the psychiatrist again. She also feels that her baby is not accepting her, and he doesn’t like the physical presence of his mother. She finds Anna’s old toys, one of which is a music box that calms Liam down. He stopped crying whenever the music started to play.
In between all this, Sara notices that some of her things are disappearing from the house, and someone has also shattered the music box. She starts to feel that the house is haunted and that there’s someone who is living with them. Alex feels his wife is losing her mind and gets into a big fight with her when she almost drops Liam from the stairs.
He also tells her to stay away from Liam, but she tries to convince him that she can’t. He finally understands the pain she’s going through. One day while searching through the house, Sara finds a door to a hidden room, but she’s unable to open the door.
Abandoned Movie Ending Explained
After a few days, Alex had to leave suddenly one night to deliver the baby of the cow. Sara is alone in the house, and she hasn’t said anything about all the scary things about the house to Alex. Because of her mental state, she’s never sure what she sees from her eyes.
She goes out with Alex to wish him good luck, but when she returns, she’s unable to find Liam anywhere in the house. She looks everywhere and shouts his name with all her power. She can’t help but thinks of the worst things in that state of mind. She’s very frightened about all the worst outcomes.

She looked for him very anxiously, and she heard him crying very loudly. She knew exactly where her baby was, so she ran to the secret hidden room. She finds the door open and Liam crying; she wastes no time entering the room, and there she sees two young in their teens entering the room from the shadow.
She also finds a bed and all her missing items, and then it hits her that Anna had two boys, and everyone believed that they both died, but here they were all this while hidden inside this room. One of them was holding Liam, and the other one was holding an axe.
Sara cries out loud and tells them that she knows they are Robert’s son and he kept abandoned to be trapped inside this hole forever. They both claim that they have seen her hurting Liam, and they swing their axe to kill Sara.

The next morning, Alex is welcomed by his wife and son, who are preparing breakfast for him. He’s very happy to see them together, all happy and smiling. Sara is finally over her postpartum trauma and can look at her son as someone of her own. The couple is seen carrying on with their life, and Sara is also seen as much healthier physically and mentally. Liam is growing into a happy kid.
Sara was seen exchanging occasional smiles with Renner, who is confusing for the audience. Everyone is confused about whether Sara killed both boys to save Liam. Then why would she exchange smiles with Renner, who has been sneaking into their house to feed the two boys, who were also his half-brother?
It’s either of the two scenarios that she killed both of them, but the other one seems possible that she made a deal with the two boys and accepted that Renner would be allowed to sneak in once in a while to feed the boys. But the question which is still troubling the people is why the boys are not living with their half-brother Renner. I guess we will never know.
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The ending of the movie Abandoned. No boys live in the hidden room. The boys could not possibly be Anna’s children because they would have been born forty or more years ago and would not still be children. The next morning you could see that none of the things she saw the night before were there. It was empty.