The intense confrontation between Fram and his nemesis Corb escalates as Fram struggles futilely to land even a single blow due to Corb’s remarkable, mysterious agility. Corb taunts Fram’s inability to touch him, highlighting the absurd power granted by the enigmatic Pierrot Mask.
That is the reason why fans of the series are super excited to find out what is going to happen next time in the upcoming A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Chapter 245.
Meanwhile, Fram’s assistant, Romantica, handled the defense fleets successfully through psychic coordination.
However, a new obstacle emerges – an unlabeled artifact affecting the defense line in unpredictable ways. Specifically, a perplexing red cross that Romantica cannot address from her current position.

As the chapter builds suspense, Fram faces the puzzle of overcoming Corb’s uncanny skills and the unexpected disruption caused by the strange artifact. The quest for a breakthrough continues amid seemingly impossible odds. Upcoming chapters will likely reveal when and how this central conflict gets resolved.
The unfolding story highlights themes of perseverance despite adversity, tackling challenges through unconventional solutions, and the frustration of grappling with inexplicable events beyond one’s control. As the next installments are released, the mystery and suspense continue.
Recap and Review
Chapter 244 intensifies the fierce confrontation between rivals Fram and Corb. Fram struggles in vain to land any hits on the evasive Corb, whose mysterious Pierrot Mask grants him uncanny agility.
Fram’s relentless attacks slide right off Corb as if through the air while Corb tauntingly rubs in the futility of Fram’s efforts.
“What now, Fram Schneider?” Corb mocks, “You can’t even touch me!” No matter how precisely Fram aims, Corb’s preternatural defense proves impenetrable.

As frustration mounts, Fram racks his memory for solutions, reminded of a prior battle against this very same vexing ability.
The outlook appears grim for Fram to penetrate Corb’s slippery defense. Yet Fram’s persistence may unveil a critical flaw that turns the tide.
Past experience with this rare power could provide vital clues to develop an innovative counter-strategy. As the dramatic face-off continues, the ultimate victor remains uncertain.
As the tension escalates, Romantica communicates telepathically with Fram, comparing Corb’s elusive power to an impenetrable shadow.
Despite relentless efforts, no attack can pierce through. Meanwhile, an ominous artifact wreaks havoc on the defense line, presenting another hurdle.

Yet amidst the chaos, collected Romantica has already adeptly handled the fleet, proving her capabilities under pressure.
However, unable to resolve the disruptive Red Cross anomaly from afar, she wisely delegates that perplexing issue to the Imperial Army’s support.
Adding moments of levity, Romantica playfully pokes fun at Fram for worrying in the heat of battle, lightening the atmosphere despite the gravity of the circumstances.
Her good-natured teasing provides brief comic relief, underscoring the unlikely duo’s endearing camaraderie even when facing long odds stacked against them.
Spoilers and Expectations
Amidst managing the chaos, introspective Fram contemplates his growth while ruefully acknowledging the glaring disparity between his and Corb’s might. Though progressing, Fram feels strained by unflappable Corb’s casual confidence.
Then Romantica reassures with a simple yet profound question – “Do you believe in me?” Her support re-energizes Fram, reminding him he’s not alone in this battle.
Launching a mighty storm-sword attack, Fram attempts to extinguish Corb’s divine light, but Corb dismisses it as inadequate. Their philosophical debate contrasts the origins of their power – Fram’s hard-won gifts versus Corb’s ominous experiments fusing human and ancient devil abilities.
Detailing his tortured past, Corb reveals the arcane magic used to create his devastating skills. This candid backstory elicits some empathy while underscoring the curse-like nature of his formidable strength.
Release Date & Where To Read
The upcoming A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Chapter 245 is scheduled to be out for the fans to read on December 4, 2023.
- Japanese Standard Time: 10:00 PM on Monday, December 04, 2023
- Central European Time: 03:00 PM on Monday, December 04, 2023
- New York: 09:00 AM on Monday, December 04, 2023
- Australian Capital Territory: 12:00 AM on Monday, December 04, 2023
- Pacific Time: 06:00 AM on Monday, December 04, 2023
- Eastern European Time: 03:00 PM on Monday, December 04, 2023
You will be able to read the upcoming A Returner’s Magic Should Be Special Chapter 245 at the time and dates we have mentioned on the Kakao Page.
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