Eiji Yanagisawa, a renowned anime voice actor celebrated for his roles in iconic series such as Naruto, Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, has tragically passed away at the age of 57. Yanagisawa’s talent agency, Production Baobab, confirmed the news on November 20, 2024, revealing he died from a brainstem hemorrhage on November 12.
The statement from Production Baobab expressed heartfelt gratitude for the support Yanagisawa received during his career. His wake and funeral were held privately, attended by close relatives. The agency apologized for the delay in announcing the news, citing the bereaved family’s wishes for discretion. The announcement highlighted the significant impact Yanagisawa had on the voice acting industry.
Hailing from Tokyo, Japan, Yanagisawa was a long-standing figure in the anime world, contributing his voice to numerous beloved characters. Among his notable roles were Genzo in Naruto, Professor Ulen Hibiki in Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, and Okabe-sensei in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. His diverse portfolio also included appearances in Code Geass, Genshiken, Digimon Frontier, Black Jack, Orphen, Arc the Lad, and Samurai Champloo.
Beyond anime, Yanagisawa lent his voice to video games and live-action dubbing. Gamers recognized him in Naruto: Ultimate Ninja and Tales of Zestiria. In Western live-action adaptations, he voiced characters in Lethal Weapon 3, Stargate Atlantis, Platoon, and both CSI: NY and CSI: Miami. These roles showcased his versatility and cemented his legacy as a multi-talented performer.
The anime community mourns the loss of a gifted artist whose contributions brought countless characters to life. Yanagisawa’s enduring legacy will live on through his unforgettable performances, leaving a lasting impact on fans worldwide. Rest in peace, Eiji Yanagisawa.