Directed by Ryosuke Shibuya at Studio Bind, Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Season 2 Cour 2 continues its charming journey with new episodes. Led by series composition by Toshiya Ono, character designs by Yoshiko Sato and Sanae Shimada, and music by Yoshiaki Fujisawa, the anime adaptation stays true to the beloved light novels by Rifujin na Magonote and Sirotaka.
Transported to a new world after a tragic accident, the protagonist, Rudeus Greyrat, gets a second chance at life as a baby born to caring parents. Armed with memories from his previous life, Rudeus embraces his magical talents and forms meaningful connections, including friendship with Sylphiette and guidance from mage Roxy Migurdia and his father, Paul.
As Rudeus traverses his new existence, confronting past traumas and embracing newfound opportunities, Crunchyroll celebrates the series with a specially crafted trailer. Teaming up with the Archetypes Collide and Fearless Records, this custom trailer captures the essence of Rudeus’s Journey against the backdrop of “Ghost,” one of Archetypes Collide’s most evocative works.