The manga “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands” currently follows the story of Jodio and Dragona, but the anime series has showcased many Joestars over its run.
The latest season focused on Jolyne Cujoh, Jotaro’s daughter, who fought to clear her name in a prison filled with Stand users. Although “Stone Ocean” ended with a seemingly final end for Jolyne, fans are hopeful that the main characters from this arc might return in some form.
Regarding video games, while there hasn’t been a title specifically centered on Jolyne, there have been games that brought together various Joestar family members.
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven” is one such game featuring a time-traveling storyline where characters from different arcs join forces to battle a powerful version of Dio Brando. This game was released before the “Stone Ocean” anime, so the voice actors differed from those in the anime adaptation.
The game includes popular characters like Jolyne, Foo Fighters, and Weather Report in a mobile game crossover.
The Joestar family has a rich history in gaming, though some significant titles have yet to reach North America. One notable example is “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Last Survivor,” an arcade game from 2019 that brought the Joestars together in a battle royale-style format.
Despite its popularity, this game has not been released outside Japan, leaving many international fans eager for the chance to experience it.