In a recent interview with Full Frontal, animator Koji Takeuchi voiced his concerns about the direction of prominent anime events, particularly AnimeJapan, and its diminishing focus on animation creators. While acknowledging AnimeJapan’s appeal to certain audiences, Takeuchi underscored the event’s emphasis on commercialism and crowd engagement, often overshadowing the contributions of animators and directors.
Takeuchi reminisced about the past when magazines like Animage and Animedia played a pivotal role in amplifying the voices of animation professionals. These publications provided platforms for animators to share their insights and experiences, contributing to a deeper understanding of the creative process behind anime production. However, Takeuchi observed a shift in focus towards prioritizing voice actors, resulting in fewer opportunities for animators to engage with audiences and showcase their work.
According to Takeuchi, the decline in animator representation at events like AnimeJapan reflects a broader trend in the anime industry, where superficial glamour often takes precedence over meaningful discussions about the creative process. He emphasized the importance of establishing platforms that prioritize animation creators and their contributions, fostering a deeper appreciation for the art form among enthusiasts.
This sentiment echoes concerns raised by other industry professionals, including Nishii Terumi, who highlighted the need to recognize the entire team behind anime production, not just voice actors. Terumi emphasized that the power of anime lies in its collaborative effort, with each member of the team playing a crucial role in bringing the vision to life.
Takeuchi’s critique of AnimeJapan and similar events underscores the need to reevaluate the priorities within the anime industry. By creating platforms that prioritize meaningful discussions and insights from animation creators, the industry can foster a greater appreciation for the art form and ensure that all contributors receive the recognition they deserve.