In the latest issue of Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump, manga fans are treated to a brand-new work by Ken Wakui. Titled “Astro Royale” (also known as “Negai no Astro”), this exciting series offers a fresh binge-worthy option for readers.
Wakui’s signature art style, with its distinctive Yankee flair reminiscent of “Tokyo Revengers,” shines through in the debut chapter of “Astro Royale.” Fans of Wakui’s previous works won’t want to miss out on this latest offering.
“Astro Royale” takes the familiar yakuza trope and adds a sci-fi twist, weaving a supernatural narrative around a powerful gang grappling with the aftermath of its leader’s death.
With 12 adopted children vying for control, the gang faces turmoil as Tokyo is struck by a meteor shower, granting survivors newfound powers, including the yakuza members.
As tensions rise and Japan reels from the meteor impact, the yakuza finds itself embroiled in internal conflict. With the series just beginning, now is the perfect time to get into the action and find Wakui’s vision. Fans can also revisit Wakui’s previous work, “Tokyo Revengers,” to get a taste of his storytelling prowess.
“The new series from Ken Wakui, the creator of Shinjuku Swan and Tokyo Revengers!” Follow Hibaru Yotsurugi, son of the previous gang leader, as he navigates the chaos unleashed by the meteorite strike and vies for leadership in the Yotsurugi gang of Asakusa.