Summer Strike Episode 10’s release date is out, and we will unveil everything about it, including the episode’s release date and streaming guide. But before we get to Summer Strike Episode 10’s release date, we will recap the most recent episode of Summer Strike.
The adorable date between Dae and Yeo is abruptly ended when they notice new graffiti on Yeo’s building, this time with a note for Dae. He is shocked to find his sister’s name, SUN-name AH, spray-painted on the wall and rushes away without turning around, nearly killed by a vehicle.
At night, he has a panic attack and collapses while lying in the dark, having flashbacks of someone being interrogated by the authorities over his claim that he saw his father leave the house after Sun died. Ji’s stomach is already twisted by jealousy, so Dae’s return to an even worse condition than her default aloof state deepens the wound.
Ji-young is resentful that Dae spends longer with Yeo than with her, so she desires to maintain his focus due to her affection for him instead of being pleased that her solitary buddy is making new acquaintances. Tears result from the combination of her jealousy and her sorrow; the only person who can console her is Sun, who likes her.
Recap Of Summer Strike’s Recent Episodes
This whole love triangle is twisted up. Although it’s still better than Ji-young accusing Yeo of renting the pool hall and trying to bring up Dae’s unpleasant memories, Ji-young also reveals shocking information. The news is that an independent panel meeting has been scheduled to look into the situation and that Dae obtained the funds for Bom’s medical expenses by selling his study to his teacher.

Ji-young accuses Yeo of everything, which gives the impression that Dae-boom isn’t an adult capable of making his judgments. Ji-young instructs Yeo-reum to persuade Dae-beom to join the trial in Seoul as his final demand, and a royal moron’s disguise is displayed on Yeo’s face.
As the university’s summer holiday approaches, Bom’s grandma advises that she go on a vacation with Reum. To everybody’s delight, Dae-beam accepts Jae’s invitation and puts his anxiety and anguish behind him to join them on their enjoyable excursion.
Yeo-reum begins to try on the idiot mask by attributing all of Dae’s problems to her presence in Angok, but he cuts her off: he’s loved every interaction they’ve had ever since, so he’s happy she got to Angok. Bom and Hoon converse separately in the meantime.

We discover that Jae-hoon was bullied for having an English accent after moving to the United States in the sixth grade and was ultimately expelled for hitting one of the bullies. He claimed that because he “humiliated” them for not being educated enough, his father was too pleased to send him back to Korea.
He also claimed that it is funny that both psychological professors cannot comprehend their sons’ emotions. Ji and Sung break up after dinner when she admits she likes Dae, and he cancels his proposal to her just as it starts to rain, while Bom and Jae kiss beneath the showers.
Then she requests that Sung-min eject Yeo-reum from the residence. She has no right to Dae’s feelings simply because they are friends. If the roles were reversed, Sung-min might have harassed Dae-beom because of his admiration for Ji-young.
However, Yeo-reum eventually persuades Dae to travel to Seoul again for the morals committee meeting so Ji doesn’t need to work as hard to keep them apart. This cannot be my boyfriend with Hoon since she’s all smiling, although she doesn’t wish for him to leave.

They cannot break up their bond, notwithstanding his aunt’s efforts.
Summer Strike Episode 10 Release Date
Summer Strike Episode 10’s Release Date is Tuesday, 20th December 2022. Summer Strike Episode 10 will b telecast on ENA in Korea at around 9.20 pm. The streaming platforms listed below will have Summer Strike Episode 10 available at roughly 11.20 pm AEDT, 7.20 am EST, and 5.50 pm IST.
Summer Strike Episode 10: How To Watch
Summer Strike Episode 10 will be broadcast on the Rakuten Viki app at the times and dates mentioned above. In order to avoid missing Summer Strike Episode 10, fans from outside Korea should pay close attention to the clock. Korean viewers can watch the episode live on TV at 9.20 pm. On Rakuten, a viewer will spend almost $5.