Best Anime Cat girls are one of the most important aspects of Anime, and they are usually found in action, adventure, comedy, or harem anime. It is interesting to learn about cat girls who carry important roles in the best Anime with different genres. We will introduce you to the list of 40 Best Anime Cat Girls from different Anime you might like reading about.
Best Anime Cat Girls are a few things you might not want to miss. Manny fans might watch Anime without realizing they are the best cat anime girls they must look out for. Many characteristics reveal the best anime girls in Anime. Most of them can be demihuman will cat ears. It is also fun to watch the best Anime cat girl carrying a hero or villain role.
The coexistence of human and cat anime girls is also interesting in Anime. We will also discuss everything about the best Anime cat girls and which Anime they are from. 40 Best Anime Cat Girls can be from different popular Anime, you know, and those curious about them will learn a lot since some of these girls possess human powers. If you have watched an anime where the best cat girl is mocked by society, but one guy saves her from humiliation.
The girls become a hero in that Anime; this will make you want to learn more about cat anime girls. You can expect the best anime cat girls in action, romance, adventure, and romcom anime that you can enjoy watching. Most of the animes that the best cat girls are from entertaining Anime and have enjoyable story arcs.
However, there are many things you can expect from cat girls since they can play any role in Anime. You will soon realize that learning about cat girls and other things related to Anime makes the world of Anime interesting, and we will talk about the best anime girls you will always want to watch or read about.
De Capo: Yoriko Sagisawa
Yoriko is a lovely sweet girl with long brown hair and brown hair. She has short cat ears and is one of the best cat girls in this Anime, which make this Anime more interesting. She is a girl who works as a maid and always loves to stay at home while doing her chores. Yoriko loves to look at the world’s beauty from the window of her room once she is done with house duties.

Life has been great for Yoriko, a person and cat since she was posse by a cat. One day Yoriko, the cat, jumps out of the window and transforms into a half-human cat, where she becomes a maid by the name of Misaki with cat ears.
Sword Art Online: Alicia Rue
Alice Rue is another best cat girl that you won’t want to miss, and the role she carried in this Anime is amazing. Alice had blonde hair and cat ears and played important roles in many battles throughout the series. Alice appears in the Fairy Dance Arc as the supporting character. She was revealed to be the Lord of the Cait Sith race in ALO. Alice won the position by popular vote and allied with Sylphs to end the Guardians of the World Tree.

Mayoi Neko Overrun: Nozomi Kiriya
Kiriya is a strange cat girl that met with Otome Tsuzuki on the train. Otome picked her as a homeless cat girl. Kiriya is also the heroin f this Anime, who played the best part that is entertaining to watch in this Anime. She has purple-like hair and shiny pink eyes, but her superpowers are beyond human imagination. She also joined the Stray Cats but disclosed everything about herself, not even her name.

Cat Planet Cuties: Kuune
Kuune is one of the sexiest cat girls in this Anime with a huge chest, and she has become a popular heroine who does her best to make the series interesting. Kune has long purple hair and black eyes and loves to wear clothes that hide her huge chest since most men always for her chest. Kuune also became the Starship Captain of the Catian girls and played an important role in creating a bond between Earth’s leaders.

Yozakura Quartet: Ao Nanami
Nanami is a funny bet cat anime girl that always loves to make everyone happy. She is a young girl with light blue hair and eyes. Nanami stays at Sakurashinmachi and is the younger sister of Gin Nanami. Nanami has goals that she wants to achieve and helps humans even though she is a cat girl.

Show By Rock: Cyan Hijirikawa
Cyan Hijirikawa is a gothic lolita kitty and one of the band’s newest members, Plasmagica. She loves her friends and always find ways to reunite with her band member. Cyan had dark blue hair and beautiful cat ears. She is one of the best and most pretty cat girls in this Anime, who appeared from the beginning to the end of the series. Cyan’s life is full of joy and entertainment.

High School DxD: Koneko Toujou
Koneko Toujou is a cat girl with silver hair and ears, but at the beginning, she was first called Shirone. She enrolled at Kuoh Academy as a first-year student, then a second-year student, and then became an Occult Research Club member. Koneko is also a Nekoshou, one of the rare species of Nekomata and Kuroka’s younger sister. She later gets married to Issei and makes amends with Kuroka.

Akame Ga Kill Leone.
Leone is one of the scariest blonde cat girls in this Anime, and those who know this Anime will realize that she played an important part in many interesting battles. Leone loves nothing but to fight using her long cat claws when she surpasses her limits or awakens her true powers. She has helped her team carry out various missions. But she is also a beautiful, mighty diva that is fun to watch.

Soul Eater: Blair
Blair resembles the appearance of a wizard and loves to wear a witch’s hat. She is a cat girl who can completely turn into a human or cat form. Blair is the first “witch” that Maka and Soul meet. One day Blair is taking a bath in her pumpkin house, but Soul enters the bath, and this changes Soul’s life. She has purple ears and long purple hair; she always loves to wear clothes that match her hair and ears. Blair becomes taller in human form with a long chest.

Fairy Tail: Millianna
Millianna is the best cat girl in this Anime who hair short brown hair and reddish marks on her cheeks. During her childhood, she met Erza Scarlet, and they became best friends. Millianna and Erza were also slaves at the Tower of Heaven. She also worked as Jellal’s minion for a time. Millaiannna also became a Mage of the “All-female guild—Mermaid Heel.”

Acchi Kocchi: Tsumiki Miniwa
Tsumiki is a short girl with long hair that almost reaches her legs. In her human form, she hides her cat ears and cat tail. Tsumiki attens school at Nekoge Prefectural High, with Io Otonashi, Hime Haruno, Mayoi Katase, and Sakaki Inui. She had many friends who helped her with different things. Tsuykimi’s life is full of joy since she is one of the best adorable girls that many admire.

Omamori: Himari Noihara
Noihara is an interesting girl since she is Cat Demon, possessing tremendous power. She has black hair that changes when her Cat Demon powers awaken. Noihara wields a Cat Demon Sword that can slice anything and turns it into ashes with a single slash. On her sixteen’s birthday, the oath traces back to her ancestor. But Noihara’s life was spared by the Amakawa Family ancestors. Despite being a Cat Demon girl, she also worked as a maid.

Onigiri: Ibaraki Douji
Douji is the prettiest cat girl who joins the party when they arrive at Kumaso Village and becomes the fourth member. She has long black hair and cat ears. But Douji loves to show her charming side and always exposes her beauty. She loves to drink and do foolish things out of her love, but she also has daring nature. Douji is one of the most interesting cat girls you will love to watch. She always put on a great show, including her harem character.

Tokyo Meow Project: Ichigo Momomiya
Momomiya resembles the princess’s appearance and is the best anime cat girl with black tails. Momo loves to wear pink clothes and ties a golden bell on her tail. She is the heroine of this Anime and the best Mew Mew to be introduced, who has D.N.A merged with an Iriomote cat. She dated her beloved Masaya Aoyama, and they both attended a Red Data Animal exhibit.

Darkstalkers: Felicia
Felicia looks like a beast rabbit cat girl with long blue hair. Most cat anime girls are beautiful, and this one has also played many parts where she is the hero of this Anime. Despite her beauty, she is also involved in many battles that she conquers, and even those cat anime girls need boys or heroes to save them; this one is exceptional. Felicia also had the strength of apar with Demon King.

Gate: Persia
Persia is a lovely adorable girl with long purple hair and beautiful eyes. She has short cat ears and is one of the best cat girls in this Anime, which make this Anime more interesting. She is a girl who works as a maid and always loves to stay at home while doing her chores. Persia loves to help everyone and always wears glasses. She is the best cat girl maid that one can have in the house.

The Vision Of Escaflowne: Merle
Merle is Van’s childhood friend, and she is like a tiger beast cat girl with black marks on her cheeks. Merle has short pink hair and blue eyes and loves to wear clothes that match her skin color. She has a tail that has black stripes and loves to protect Van. Balgus found Merle as an orphan, and she was sent to Fanelia.

Shining: Rin Shaomei
Rin is a black cat-haired girl who is also a heroine of this Anime. She also loves to show her charming side and is proud of her beauty, knowing that men always fall for her tricks. Rin also uses her beauty to manipulate those around her, and this is one of the best romcoms that she is future in. Rin also loves to wear a dress that exposes her chest, and whenever she is around men, she always charms them.

Hyper Police: Natsuki Sasahara
Natsuki is green haired cat girl who loves to have fun. s born in She is born between a human father and a Nekomata mother. But when the story continues, Natsuki is revealed that she is the Ancient Egyptian goddess Bast’s daughter. She had one ponytail, short hair from both sides of her head, and a black tail.

Gintama: Catherine
Catherine is a Neko girl, a former thief and cat girl who Otose took. She is a shy cat girl with beautiful eyes and black hair. Catherine has a weird accent and beautiful cat ears. She loves wearing traditional Japanese clothes and became a member of the team Amanto thieves called Cat’s Punch. Catherine loves to imitate Otose and also tries to smoke.

All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl: Nuku Nuku
Nuku is the best anime cat girl from the best Anime that has remained popular for a long time. A few anime, such as the ones we are talking about, became popular and revealed the best moment of cat girls coexisting with humans. Nuku is a beautiful cat girl with various characteristics of a cat and a human. She also loves to lick human boys and has mini front cat teeth.

Rosario + Vampire: Shizuka Nekonome
Shizuka is a slender cat girl with long blonde hair who always love to make fun of other and help everyone around her get the happiness they deserve. Boys at her school believe that Shizuka is the true definition of beauty. Shizuka loves wearing clothes that suit her slender body, and she appears in many scenes.

DanMachi: Chloe Lolo
Lolo is a cat girl that met with a tragic incident in her life. Both parents raised her, but her father was a member of a criminal organization, and her mother was half-human. But she becomes a criminal and learns how to kill people brutally. However, Lolo ends up changing her life and leaving her family. Lolo sometimes acts like a real cat and shows the cat’s true powers.

Bleach: Haineko
Many are familiar with it, and one might say it is the best since Bleach is filled with the most interesting arcs and battle that blows one’s mind. Haineko is one of the powerful cat girls who played an important role in many battles and defeated many Hollows and threats that wanted to ruin the world. Haineko has brow cat ears and brow hair with black eyes.

Cat Planet Cutties: Eris
Eris is the best anime cat girl from the best Anime that has remained popular for a long time. Eris is a beautiful cat girl with various characteristics of a cat and a human. A few best anime, such as the one we are talking about, became popular and revealed the best moment of cat girls living with humans. Eris loves to hang around with humans, and she is always there to help no matter what. She also had blond hair, yellow cat ears, and a cute, lovely face.

Nekopara: Chocola
Chocola is open of the cutest short cat anime girl from the best Anime that is still popular. It is fun to watch the best anime cat girl like Chocola. She has shining eyes and long brown hair tied with ponytails from both sides. Chocola has brown cat ears and loves to be happy all the time. She has a dog-like personality and loves to be around her master. Chocola loves to dress as a maid.

How NOT No-Summon-A Demon Lord: Rem Galleu
Rem Galleu is a cat girl who was one of the Demon’s lord wives. She is a beautiful pale skin cat girl with demonic powers and has black hair and ears. She helped the Demon Lord from the beginning of the series since they met in the mountains after the Demon Lord was summoned as a human from the human world to a fantasy world. Her role was to keep the Demon Lord warm and happy.

Princess Connect! Re:Dive: Karyl
Karyl is a magician who possesses the power to tame and control monsters. She is a cat girl with long black hair and black eyes. Karyl loves to wear short skirts and long leggings. She is the best cat girl with tremendous powers beyond any monster’s imagination, and she always has her way with monsters and succeeds in taming and controlling them. She comes from the beast folk race.

K Project: Neko
Neko is a weird cat girl with long white hair who always hides her long cat ears. She loves doing her work like other girls and never reveals that she is a cat girl. Most humans know that Neko is human-like, but Neko knows she was born between humans and best-like creatures. Neko has pale skin, and shiny silver eyes, loves spreading happiness and loves working hard.

Hunter × Hunter: Neferpitou
Neferpitou is one of the most powerful cat girls with white hair and ears. She is also a humanoid cat who helps society and has been through countless tough battles. Neferpitou shares great history with humans serving them, and not many people know that Neferpitou was a humanoid cat girl. She has a long white tail and short hair with red eyes. Nefe is one of the toughest cat girls that served the King wholeheartedly and would sacrifice herself for the King.

And You Thought There Was Never A Girl Online?: Nekohime
Nekohime is another best cat girl from the best Anime you will love to watch. This is full of comedy and amazing cat girls’ moments that are fun to watch. Nekohime has orange hair and cat ears. She is also a charming girl and loves to dress beautifully, which makes her the center of attraction. Nekohime is also one of the popular girls around her school and n her hometown.

Isuca: Tamako
Tamako is a two-tailed cat girl who appeared in arcs and has been in love in many fights. This reveals the best moment of the best cat girl. Tamako has black ears and short brown hair and ears. She is also one of the strongest cat girls who wants her dream to come true and live in a free world filled with happiness and peace. Tamako protects Sinichiro after he saves her and refuses to hurt him.

Di Gi Charat: Dejiko
Dejiko is a cat girl who pretends to be kind, and humans never know that she is a Cat Demon lord with overwhelming powers. But she hides her powers since she wants to coexist with humans. Dejiko is a cute cat girl with green eyes and green hair, and no over suspect anything about her character since her cute face is always charming. But she sometimes gives up on fight after someone convinces her.

Shining Tears x Wind: Shushuu
Shushuu used to act like a villain stealing from rich men and owning a successful shop. She uses her shop to run her dark-hours businesses. These are a few brave cat girls like her. Shushuu has short white hair, and no man would ever suspect that she would rob them and also uses her beauty to attract them and take everything they own after making them drunk.

Star Twinkle PreCure: Yuni
Yuni comes from a mysterious planet, and she is a long blue-haired girl who loves to work hard alone. She is one of the best cat girls who know to singlehandedly do a mission. Yuni is a cute medium girl who is shy but possesses great powers and loves to be alone most of the time. Yuni is also a fun character to watch and plays roles in various arcs of this Anime since she is one of the best female characters. She is also known as the thief Blue Cat.

Monogatari Series: Hanekawa Tsubasa
Tsubasa is a silver-haired cat, and she is revealed to create due to stress. Her cat form appears when she is troubled by something or in some stress. But Tsubasa is a cheerful, lovely girl with beautiful eyes who loves to be happy. Her cat form is something that always troubles her. She also became a popular student admired by many. Tsubasa also turns into a cute white cat girl.

GJ-Bu: Kirara Bernstein
Kirara Bernstein is one of the best popular girls from this popular Anime that many still enjoy watching. She is a cute cat girl who is very bright and intelligent, and she scores higher grades in her school. Kirara Bernstein loves her friends and always wants to help other students improve. She knows that the human world is the best place for everyone.

Problem Children From Another World: Caroro Gandack
Carro Gandack is the bests anime cat girl who hates causing trouble and always wants to stop those who keep making trouble. Carora has blue-like purple hair with cat ears and purple eyes. She has helped solve different mysteries from another world, and this is one of the best Anime that reveals the lives of different t creatures, including Carora.

Sailor Moon: Nekonneru
Nekonneru is a cat girl a Daimon sent to complete her mission to the human world. But she was defeated and did not appear in many arcs of this Anime. This cat girl was working for Kaolinite, who ordered her to collect the pure heart of a cat lover. This was interesting, making Neko the best cat girl to ever appear in this series.

No Game No Life Zero: Izuna
Izuna is the last cat girl with blue hair and ears. This is an interesting girl and one of the best on this list. Izuna played the best moments in this Anime, and she is always fun and interesting to watch. She comes from the warebeast race and has a combination of cat and human traces. When Izuna unlocks the “Blood Break” ability, her tails grow out.

Thus conclude the list of the 40 best anime cat girls that we know, but there are still tons of them from different best animes that you could also check out. You can also enjoy learning about more cats and girls from similar Anime discussed above.
Also Read: 30 Best Blue-Haired Anime Girls That Are Gorgeous