19 Days Chapter 428 yet again delivered a wholesome and adorable story, and Mo Guan Shan and He Tian get more screen time. The recent chapters have mainly focused on Mo Guan Shan and He Tian, and their relationship has gotten clearer. It is quite obvious that the two have feelings for each other and He Tian does not hold back in teasing the shy Mo Guan Shan. The recent chapters even featured the motorcyclist Brother Qiu and how Mo Guan Shan misunderstood, thinking of him as threatening and dangerous.
Fans are thrilled about Mo Guan Shan and He Tian getting more screen time but they are longing for the main couple Jian Yi and Zheng Xi to return as well. Since the recent chapters were centered around the other couple, Jian Yi and Zheng Xi’s relationship still remains ambiguous. Where Mo Guan Shan and He Tian are clearly headed somewher, Jian Yi and Zheng Xi have an air of uncertainty around them. The readers are hoping that the two will get more screen time in the coming chapters and their relationship will progress further.
19 Days is an adorable Boy’s Love (BL) manhua, and the author Old Xian has done a fantastic job at portraying the several struggles and qualms that come with young love. Fans are waiting in anticipation for the next chapter, hoping to see the main couple. If you are also a fan of the manhua and want updates about the upcoming chapter, then you are at the right place. Today, we will talk about the release date of 19 Days Chapter 429, recap the previous chapter and tell our readers where they can read the manhua.
19 Days: Chapter 428 Recap
In the previous chapter of 19 Days, Mo Guan Shan invites everyone over to his house for dinner and Jian Yi teases him for it even though he is thrilled. Everyone is excited to eat meals that Mo Guan Shan has cooked and the four of them head to the market to buy the ingredients for the meal. Jian Yi picks up an expensive looking crab but Zheng Xi is quick to shut him down, handing him a smaller clam that is more practical. He Tian heads over to buy an expensive imported fish but Mo Guan Shan stops him.
Mo Guan Shan acts wary of the intimidating man for the rest of the meal. Mo Guan Shan and He Tian head over to the Dragon Festival where various activities are taking place. One such activity is making zongzi and He Tian proposes that they could do that. He Tian begins making a zongzi but Mo Guan Shan gets annoyed at He Tian’s extremely clumsy skills. He takes over the zongzi to give it a better shape and Mo Guan Shan asks if he has to eat that. He Tian kisses him on the cheek and says that he wants to give him all the good luck.

19 Days: Chapter 429 Release Date
19 Days Chapter 429 is estimated to be released on Sunday, 22 July 2023, at 12:00 AM JST.
- India: 8:30 PM (IST) on Saturday, 21 July 2023
- Japan: midnight (JST) on Sunday, 22 July 2023
- Korea: midnight (KST) on Sunday, 22 July 2023
- USA: 10:00 AM (EST) on Saturday, 21 July 2023
- UK: 3:00 PM (GMT) on Saturday, 21 July 2023
- Philippines: 11:00 PM (PHT) on Saturday, 21 July 2023
- Australia: 1:00 AM (AEST) on Sunday, 22 July 2023
19 Days: Where to Read
The author of 19 Days uploads the manhua online for free, for everyone to eat. 19 Days is serialized in Tian Man Lansen Magazine by Tianwen Kadokawa publisher as well.
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